[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

if you have a mech lead on kyo by all means out it.

you are PoE right now and that is fairly important to get out

eh its not new this game unfortunately

but if you scumread me because you disagree with me, not something I can or will fight

Ita Shot List

Shooter Got Shot at Hit or Miss
Mode Crich Miss
PKR Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
Cloned RedUnits Miss
Mode Crich Miss
Hippo Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
KyoDaz Mode Miss
Eevee GreenUnits Miss
KyoDaz GreenUnits Miss
Derps Mode Miss
Marshal Cloned Miss
oB_l1ght Mode Miss
Zone Centuries Miss
Vulgard Cloned Miss
Leafia Cloned Miss
Centuries Mode Miss
Arete Mode Hit!
Crich Cloned Miss
an gotta Cloned Hit
TBE Italy Hit
Ici Centuries Miss
Apprentice Darth Miss
Havent Fired darth, chloe Hit or Miss

Thanks @anon6348071


Curious why the mech lead wasnt outted at SoD - if its a redcheck that is

Does it contradict with something that Kyo said?

I forget the line

its such a moment

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I guess they never miss huh

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@ Marshal @ Chloe
Would you like me to claim?
It’s not a hard redcheck but IMO makes them lean scum

This isn’t quite right.
TBE went


Kyo claimed JK that occ’d marshal

if any of that is info your about to give us

jforget it

I mean it depends on what you have

you are a likely ITA target / lynch target and so this mech might be important

I plan on coming in here as soon as day starts and using rng to determine who to ITA.


I only wanted to remove a noots death immunity


brain moment

When you’re playing DnD and accidentally roll a Nat20 when sparring with your friend

Fuck it.
I am JK. Did not jail anyone last night. I doubt there are two town JKs in one game, although I guess it’s possible

brain moment



that’s not really what I was thinking

I thought it was like you tracked him to someone not me


I really dislike this

Also why didnt you jailkeep

I don’t think this was necessary

depending on the claimvig we could be in deep dodo

It’s a 2shot.