[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


I will slap you

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Darth_Vader Vulgard, Apprentice 2/10
Centuries Marshal, Icibalus, Hippoyeetus, oB_L1ght, Leafia 5/10
TheBlueElixir Zone_Q11 1/10
KyoDaz SirDerpsAlot 1/10
an_gorta_pratai Arete, eevee 2/10
Not Voting KyoDaz, an_gorta_pratai, Darth_Vader, Centuries, PokemonKidRyan, CRichard564, TheBlueElixir, Chloe 8

I meant: What did they even claim?

I am not okay with paragraphs. Make a TL;DR version with minimum quotes as possible.

we can afford one more

/vote Centuries

do you think anybody can/will convince you not to shoot him?

Just shoot already

I’ll stop then.
But yeah, bare in mind scum will probably look these things up.
So it’s good for you to too, to prepare yourself.

Oh yeah… I forgot about that.
…how is town ever so powerful?

Occam’s Razor says: They aren’t, so TBE must be scum.

i mean
nobody has told me im an idiot yet
so i dont really see why not to lmfao

I am new to this forum but I’m not new to Forum Mafia. I played in the MU World Championships.

It seems like you are a wolf going down and you’re trying to pull a V down with you to give yourself an extra day.

Fuck it

I gotta just be a gamer and stop being a bitch

/ITA Centuries

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…then explain to me how claiming Jailkeeper was a good idea.


Today is the day that chloe gains self-confidence

bask in my glory

bask in my 5% chance anything would ever come from this abil


Eevee claimed to have a secret auction with multiple people or something like that and then we have the mason claims.

How do I condense posts?

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Bad start because Dat did say he was fine with people posting the @ in the same message as the shot. But by doing it separately it was annoying xD

In all honesty though, you shot instead of totally chickening out, so good job.

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I forgot to ping and now i feel bad

I hope cent hits

itll just speed things up either way

I know its hypocritical because I didn’t shoot in PoE but spare me

It was 5 times 5%? If so, then you’d have 22.7% of hitting at least once.

Bah. So it was balanced…