[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I asked dumb questions

Geez, this wagon. The last time I saw something grow this fast… oh wait this is supposed to be SFW


Join me on the Seth wagon. It’s a party

Urs wasnt scummy tho.

italy joins the fray
colors weave into a spire of flame


Chloe has a very odd start and seems very stiff. I think her posting has changed a bit, but I think a Chloe flip would do stuff for proving some slots.

distant sparks call to a past still unnamed


bear this torch against the cold of the night




did y’all just summon satan?


and on this day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an enddddd

Could you give some reads on someone other than Chloe (I apologize if I missed any).

…Oblight is a villager.

A wolf generally doesn’t go “i think it’s dumb” “because it’s dumb” in response to questioning. Unless he’s doing some high-tier leveling, he’s just town. The lack of self-awareness seems overwhelming. I think he would at least try to write an explanation as a wolf, to maybe make me townread him. Using circular logic to say that X is dumb because it’s dumb doesn’t really help his position, at least not from his perspective, so he probably wouldn’t do it as a wolf; but as a villager, he doesn’t even think about his position, meaning that a post like this would be more likely to be written.

TL;DR Ob likely town.

Note: I think Gorta’s progression on Chloe makes Gorta never w/v with Chloe V. I don’t think a wolf like Gorta bothers to have so much progression on a villager who’s being voted. I could see this as a partner to Chloe, and I could see this from villager!Gorta, but never from W!Gorta targeted at V!Chloe.

Not a very useful read, but I’m bookmarking this so I can come back to it later.

giphy (9)

Oh goodie! /vote cabooselifter (modeshifter)

Time to hard defend scum

I frankly have the Chloe slot as V.

Marshal + others have been accusing her for being tense, agitated, and defensive, a common scumtell. She even says it herself:

I don’t know how she normally plays, but this feels normal; i’ve done this many times before and I saw town do this a lot. I have yet to see this from scum, so I don’t think this is a scumtell.

But ob’s lock-v from Derps’ n0.

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did she say this

she’s a liar

get her get her get her


Voted Votee Votes
chloe Marshal, ModeShifter, SirDerpsALot, Icibalus 4/13
ModeShifter Apprentice, Evil_Ginger 2/13
an_gorta_pratei TheBlueElixir 1/13
Italy 意大利 1/13
Icibalus Hippoyeetus 1/13
Hippoyeetus Vulgard 1/13
Not Voting KyoDaz, ClonedCheese, CRichard564, Italy, oB_L1ght, an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, Darth_Vader, Alice, EVO, sulit, Chloe, Leafia, Centuries 14

JUST PING ME FOR VOTES and please do it normally

why am i voting myself

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Am I the only person who thinks that Hippo’s posting is really hesitant and directionless, especially when you compare it to his posting as town?
This isn’t a lack of investment, because he clearly wants to post, he’s just being oddly quiet and lingering on the outskirts of the main discussion.
I think that makes him a wolf.

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