[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!



apologies, votes in wall posts are some of the hardest to find, but for real didnt show up cause I searched for his full name image

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I want you to reconsider your vote on me. Who would you think would kill Alice n1, even after she led a mislynch and would have been questioned and likely lynched the next day?

Ok I’m willing to hear Gorta out here.

/vote Vader @DatBird

Vader and Gorta have about the same amount of wolf equity but something something threadstate also I think the odds of town!Gorta being able to work himself out of the PoE are higher

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Alice would not be lynched today

might change this later

we’ll see

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Darth_Vader Vulgard, Apprentice, SirDerpsAlot, an_gorta_pratai, oB_L1ght, Arete 6/10
TheBlueElixir Zone_Q11 1/10
an_gorta_pratai eevee, TheBlueElixir, Leafia, Chloe, Darth_Vader 5/10
Zone_Q11 Hippoyeetus 1/10
ob_L1ght Marshal 1/10
Not Voting Icibalus, KyoDaz, PokemonKidRyan, CRichard564 4

Ping me with new votes/mistakes

ITA shot list

ITA shot list

Shooter Got Shot at Hit or Miss
Mode Crich Miss
PKR Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
Cloned RedUnits Miss
Mode Crich Miss
Hippo Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
KyoDaz Mode Miss
Eevee GreenUnits Miss
KyoDaz GreenUnits Miss
Derps Mode Miss
Marshal Cloned Miss
oB_l1ght Mode Miss
Zone Centuries Miss
Vulgard Cloned Miss
Leafia Cloned Miss
Centuries Mode Miss
Arete Mode Hit!
Crich Cloned Miss
an gotta Cloned Hit
TBE Italy Hit
Ici Centuries Miss
Apprentice Darth Miss
Darth Centuries Miss
Chloe Centuries Hit
Hippo Zone Miss

Im comfy where i am

Apprentice and Leafia are masons, hence why I think that would be W/W.

Who said you didn’t do WiFoM here?

5 on gorta

And someone is missing but idk who

Leafia’s progression is “oh this person is town” and then “actually this person is a big bad wolf” then it goes to “vote [wolf]” and lastly “I think someone else is a better lynch”

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Wait nobody is missing we have 18 people now

But 5 votes not 6 on gorta

Leafia also townread both Mode and Vader d1, which is a little suspicious. It’s also worth nothing that Leafia tried to reduce the number of shots to Mode. In conclusion I think Leafia/Vader/Mode are on the same team. I don’t quite know how Apprentice fits in there, but Leafia and App are somehow claiming masons together.

Would you be willing to do an ISO of leafia again but this time with real analysis and not just quotes? I’m interested

But im also sleeping soon so i wont be able to bask in its glory for a while

I can, but I am not great with putting things into words.

I think that, no matter which of you dies today, gorta and vader - giving us as many reads as you have would be nice

Neither am i
Take your time

Thread is slowing down soon

Let me catch up on my other game and I will.

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