[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Wait, when was this? 3rd JK?

Also, I like how eevee always says some cryptic stuff about players not being optimal but seldom says how to actually be better. Wait, I said “like?” I meant “don’t like.”


going to sleep now

not enough brainpower to function

gn nerds

It’s actually using logic instead of throwing random meat and hopping it hits.

I will admit that it’s possible that it could be w/w. In fact, that’s something I hadn’t thought of. Definitely something to think about. If that’s the case, Vader and Gorta could be using the fact that I seemed buddies with Vader to get rid of me and/or Apprentice due to fearing our masonlike quality. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. They get rid of a very big threat and the other among them gets proven town and just costs to victory.

also going to sleep, setting an alarm for ~8 hours from now (so, about 45 minutes before EoD)

it might take a little bit for me to actually sleep so if anyone has anything they urgently want me to respond to they have a couple minutes to say it to me

You didn’t even consider the possibility of it being w/w, preferring to just say they’re v/v because of deathbets, which are always inconsistent and not a very reliable metric.

Good night Arete.

Night Arete.


Before sleeping.

How did you even come up with conclusion that role which can each night be confirmed by 3 people is fake and everyone who confirms it has to be scumteam.

Like… it’s literally… stupid conclusion.

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w/w wagons w/w wagons w/w wagons
Would be a delight if true.

Which role are we talking about here?

Tired Leafia is has hard time thinking Leafia.

Sorry, that seemed a bit passive-agressive, but I want to at least attempt to get into your thoughts, something that I desperately failed to do because of how much Centuries and people like him involuntarily make my skin crawl.

That would be literally confriming 3 people as wolfs if I ever flip as wolf.
And not 3 people total. 3 people every night.

So let’s say I get killed day 3, it means… 6 people who confirmed me are scum?

Wtf is that conclusion.


I was acussed that role which is confirmed by both Derps and Light means they are both scum with me.
And if another 2-3 people confirm it tommorow, they are likely scum too.

Where tf is logic in this.

FWIW I’m less sold on Marshal’s theory and more sold on ‘that does not confirm you, there could easily be some form of wolf item-seller-y ability’

it’s like

I scumread you (for various reasons that I’ve mentioned, most recently the fact that you keep being like ‘wow [x thing] was such an obviously bad decision for [y reasons]’ but didn’t bother to say that while people were doing [x thing], like with the Cheese shot where after Cheese actually died you were like ‘that was a bad shot and going to flip V’

the main reason to not scumread you would be ‘mechanical confirmation printer goes brrrr’

but I don’t actually think your claim confirms you

This is literally most disgusting conclusion I ever saw.

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Okay Arete.
Wolf item seller is a role let’s say.

What’s goal of such a role?

which is part of why I want to wagon you over Derps

because I could see a world where you’re a wolf item-seller and Derps is a townie that you targeted with item-selling

It’s okay Ici and this is helping me to see that you really are town too. Otherwise you wouldn’t be doing this. Hmmmm, I think I know a way to confirm whether or not this is the case. It’s a bit risky though, so I don’t know if I want to do it or not.