[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Did I mention there was no conclusion? The ISO just kinda ends.

I’m asking eevee, not you

that’s why I’m voting Gorta for it

Which part?

Me not shooting vantage character and trying to analyze theirs weapon first to see who can shoot with lower return fire accuracy?

Me asking Italy what happens if neutral donates them money?

Me cc’ing Italy after Marshal told me they are not faking it due to some chat bullshit?


The case on Centuries wasn’t bad. I think there was a really unfortunate set of circumstances regarding that shot, and his unvote.

Probably shouldn’t have been shot before my scumreads, though. I did eventually put him in PoE, but I didn’t think he was lockwolf. Eh… it happened… :upside_down_face:

do you people have some secret definition of PoE that you’ve been refusing to tell me for some reason

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I’m more curious about your general approach to the game, like, claiming neut is a thing that can come from both neuts and fake neuts

how has your actual play lined up with what you’re claiming to be, how has it influenced your general approach to the game

Yeah, I see what everyone means about that. Sorry for voting you Eevee. Gives Eevee some pets Just offer to sell Marshal or arete some items tonight and I think it’ll clear you. What’s your win condition anyway?


/vote Gorta @DatBird

I think this is very possible

I would likely trust you a bit more

I still don’t think this is a good thing to clear me on

I would as either alignment, but I wouldn’t do it myself

This is my first time doing something like that

I don’t know how to make a great ISO like this. I am used to gut reads and I really don’t know how I feel about that slot, so that’s why it’s kind of indecisive.


Yet you want me dead despite thinking I might be town. Also, remember to ping the host when voting people.

Oh, I’ve just noticed that you added a pronoun. This works, thanks.

I’m not complaining about the quality of your reads, I’m just saying that you make “X or Y” statements far too frequently and it bothers me.

rereading Leafia’s ISO did change my opinion on them. It went from a scum lean to a complete null read


I’m actually going to sleep now, for real

maybe when I wake up in the morning eevee will have credibly argued that his play makes sense from the PoV of the neut he’s claiming to be, in which case I’ll consider moving my vote

Good night again Arete.

he realisitcally can’t not be a neut
vote gorta

Neither what I said was about general claim?

I guess insta shooting green for money as soon as I noticed the event (After Dat remidned about it) can be put under this.

I honestly didn’t know about it wasting my real ITA shots. But even then I shot green for money first and explained later.

If that’s not what you are asking, reword the question.

I kind of get that, but many of these posts I can see coming from either side and that’s why it’s very “X or Y” for me. The thing that makes me not able to say for certain that it’s either side is because I don’t know how Leafia plays.

@DatBird vote count please. I got post 10,000 too! :slight_smile:

This is post 10000.

Sorry leafia.