[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

…be happy that this is RL and not anime, because you just put a death flag for town.

Yeah. Sucks being the “normal, serious, and functioning” town, doesn’t it?

Anyhow, I will advice you to not check me. I won’t bother saying the cliché “you will waste your time”, because from your POV, you won’t. But you will (waste your time) FMPOV.

As for having 5-6 suspects… Try to keep it around 3-4 instead. Otherwise you’ll lose your track of everyone.

We should be finding wolves right now. If you think I flip town then why the hell are you voting me? I have done all I can to explain my actions, offered to be checked, and tried to give content, but even after all of that I am still being condemned to death.

i dont think you’ll flip town i dont rlly know what ull flip tbh.

I f’ing wasn’t. I was saying I have a list so I can get advice whether the size was about right.

Thank you for the advice. I think I can make that work.


Are you sheeping Vulgard’s reads as well?

Humu. I see.
@Darth_Vader, I give you one chance: Excluding Gorta, give me your scumreads. If you give me less than three names, expect to die Today.

Why? It ain’t as if it will matter.
The worst case scenario is either a roleblock or a redirector anyways.

Humu. Thank you for the confirmation. (Though I still need to hear it from the other side…)

As for your “threat”; I don’t care. I shot Centuries within my first 5 posts because he taunted me. You won’t be any different than him.

I think we do have powerwolves in the towncore from my experience today.

If you’re saying this you need to say who and why.

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Why is everyone saying this when we haven’t even killed half the PoE yet?

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Because this is how I play FMs …and I wouldn’t have it any other way. --plus, me playing “normally” would only be suspicious anyway.

Real life.

So who are these power wolves you speak of Gorta? Speak now while you’re alive.

Whenever anyone says it, let them just expand on it.
It gives such useful info.

My only 2 undeniable towncores are PKR, who redchecked Mode, and Richard, who got shot twice by Mode.

I, and only I, don’t think I need your advice.

If I was scum my wagon would have disappeared by now. Somehow Mode’s wagon disappeared d1 and that’s because we have wolves at the helm I think.

Zone, keep on speaking like that and you will die. Don’t test me. My ITA is heading straight for Zone tomorrow.

…actually, I might need to add Kyo in it as well. Under the condition that Marshal flips town, of course.

@Leafia I know I want to avoid using Meta.
But gorta had said earlier about not knowing how to read someone due to not having Meta available to them IIRC.

So I want to ask this, what’s your opinion on Darth?
You/Me/Darth/Seth all know each other in games and I think Darth is town.

Your threats won’t work on me. At best, we’re of the same kind; those who don’t work with logic, but emotions instead.

I don’t care if you shoot me D3; I MADE AN OATH to shoot TheBlueElixir.

I really don’t know, but they have infiltrated the town core.

Would mode have escaped d1 if we didn’t have wolves steering this ship towards EVO even after EVO started talking again?

FFS, then give us your towncore.