[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

So you both say Vulgard is town.

He shot at town only, he voted town only, not confirmed by anyone.

Like you say that, but most other shots were worse than him.

Shooting into cop / cop checks makes no sense for me.
Shooting into mason claims makes no sense for me.
I can’t really kill people on auction either.
And I obviously don’t want to die to vantage.

Soo… like… you say it’s awful, tell me better targets :^)

If I take all of those things away.
It doesn’t leave a big pool, I will admit.
But like… we don’t know everyone who’s in the auction, do we?

Vul claimed bleeding so is likely dead tonight anyway for one, and if hes not someone will have to claim healer, and depending on who that person is we’d go from there.

Most ppl wldve been a better shot imo

No, and this is a hardclaim.

Bruh, I wish I didn’t shoot Vader now.

Wait, why did eevee have a second shot today? He’s already shot and killed Kyo.

I pushed Seth day 1 and cased him. I was also firmly against Kyo today.

Both flipped wolves are people I pushed hard at some point before they died.

Vulgard also has Darth money.
I want Darth money :^)

…you sure know how to make my work more difficult.

Okay, can someone please kill TBE already?


If he is about to die anyway, I would just pick theirs gold and nothign would change.

Perfect situation.

I mean, why didn’t you shoot them?

…Maybe I have a second ITA too and don’t know it?


This is the only right kill rn.

heros never die

I don’t want to die by ITA, because every time that happens someone else is at risk

also I don’t die easy

nows the question of who ill ita

Actually… don’t answer this.
Enough for me is that you weren’t confirmed in anyway (kinda in POE) and you had money.

Rest is up for others to decide.


no shots

youll be ashamed when we have plenty of scum left and the only people you thought to kill was a LW and 2 town

Why did eevee have a second shot?

Oh. I see.

With Pursuit, apparently? His role is legit the best ITA role still alive.

Eevee actually has a very good point there. Also, what happens to the gold of someone that dies to bleeding?

i claimed this incredibly early in the day

and then did it like 3 more times

Good idea. One problem.
I don’t know who Arete’s killer is.
I only know it ain’t Derps.

I beg to differ