[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

It’s Eevee

Essentially the ability name itself is long and seems very different from all of the flavor stuff we’ve seen from hosts so far. The ability itself has very bad grammer (wrong word order, incorrect possessives), the word enemies is misspelled, and it basically sounds like eevee wrote it. (I’m not trying to insult you eevee you’re like the smartest person here)

lol @eevee is outted. i believe this fully apprentice, considering Italy had a similair ability.

eevee if apprentice is telling the truth just admit it and we’ll move on cuz if not we’ll literally have to just ITA you tomoz foe clearly lying to town and maybe having anti-town motivations.

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I still have a couple hundred posts left till I’m fully caught up


there are a few long passives

but the misspelling is weird

I did not write tihs ability ._.

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Bro answer my questions


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@Apprentice can you just check with Dat and the other hosts whether there were any mistakes or not.

I don’t want us to jump down Eevee’s throat if he may be inno.

ok mafia.

Best question to host: “Have you misspelled when sending night results?”.


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Why would I even want Eevee to perhaps be found innocent if I am mafia?

It takes an easy shot away from scumteam assuming he is innocent.



In case you missed em

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eevee its p obvious ur lying but that doesnt mean ur scum, italy did the same thing and was true neutral. just admit to us the specifics of your class lol.


Light confirmed it yesterday.
Arete is dead.

Why Arete? They had money for killing Mode and you wanted me to confirm to someone fromapparent “towncore”.

Italy didn’t lie


light said he saw it in mason chat

He wasnt in the auction

Thought so

@Aelin confirm please