[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

imagine misclearing yourself when you know your own alignment

Too bad. He could have hidden behind…


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PKR is town

For a shotlist I’d probably have

Seth, Cloned, TBE, Chloe if she doesn’t self-resolve, the null reads, and maybe Hippo.

I think I’d rather give gorta more time tbh.

…wait, he retracted the check?

I think leafia is more likely pure than not

uh i don’t think so but I also see like a 95% chance that it’s not real

Hmm, haven’t bothered to read them this close. You have a point as they’ve been kind of agenda-less so far.

Why does he need to hide?


Like, until he retracts it I’m not voting/shooting him and would always kill Derps before them.

well the read is more that they seem isolated and fixated on vader in particular

which i’d expect from someone who does not know anyone here or have any scumbuddies to lean on

He’s been very villagery in the past two games. Here? He’s just been pretty much hedge-y and staying in the sidelines without taking stances.

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Imma take a break. I got games to play. I will check back in before I start fixing dinner

I got a towny impression from him but I haven’t played with him before so maybe that’s why

i’d read randomizer or ToS 2 he’s pretty different in those games

Also four hours in and zero claims except for PKR’s compulsory thing. Kind of liking it so far.

Why PKR must to hide?

either way @Chloe come defense

every1 pard

anywho im going to take a nap

Alice is leaning towards town for me too. Right now, I on;ly trust Vader and Alice.