[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


lets pull a gamer with ITAs tomorrow

also, gamer plan, we should decide ITAs today, and ITA first post tomorrow because if scum is cose to parity they might be able to use ITAs to secure the game?


I think you’re right about that Vulgard. I guess you do actually have good judgement when you stop and actually think.

um no cuz i have no idea whos gonna be nightkilled and nightkill will determine our shots.

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honestly shooting light is not a bad play here at all @Apprentice

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eh fair

nightkills might actually be placed to redirect shots too

what do you mean

that progression was there since the start

actually shooting crich is smart too

Nah she said “once you actually think”


The bleeding person said about shooting doctor claim.



/vote TheBlueElixir
@N.1 @SirDerpsAlot

TBE, that’s the world’s stupidest idea for us to ITA the first person to post tomorrow. Us deciding on that would make a wolf win a certainty because no one would post in fear of being shot at and wolves would then just kill people at night. That is the most blatant case of openwolfing I have ever seen.

I would say iconic.

TBE, at this point just vote SDA tbh.

ur face is ironic

Your life is

no you got confused, my life is iconic

Okay but thats not what hes saying

Hes saying WE ita in OUR first posts

Oh what a good joke