[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

you won RM4 :slight_smile:

you also won every other groupscum game ive been in cause you are an extension of me

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If I had one comment
Dat was frankly overloaded before I came on


DatBird good.

Kat im so glad you didn’t replace in

Holy fuck
We woulda lost by d2

Thinking I should change my playstyle again while retaining the same methodology in reading people. Clearly trying to be too reasonable and open just makes me get leveled into voting town.

Game was well balanced for most part

Vantage / charge were interesting
I thought they were a little nuts

TBE had godly ita luck holy fuck

also eevee were you yidali?

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you would have died so fucking fast holy SHIT

if i replaced into a wolf slot i prob woulda bussed you because your play was so wolfy fmpov

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Your reads are good. You just end up being confident in your wrong ones and toss your right ones away.

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Good title :^)

just wish I threw it in the right direction

Marshal I was sad when I rolled mason not woth you

We would have swept if you were my mason partner

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I got Apprentice right there, completely by accident. Lmao.

And I’m DybuDabu.

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I didn’t even think he was scum, but the post was “caught for the right reasons.”

imagine the FPS

it would have been glorious :frowning:

you’d still probably tunnel me

Like I said in another thread, I would actually believe this.

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As a comment

Optimal play for medium claims is forcing them to out as much information as humanly possible from dead chat as quickly as possible, making it so that they can’t reasonably fake what happened

Mediums also suck in every setup
Fuck them