[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


Quickhammering is immoral.

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That’s why we all feel uneasy about this game.

honestly screw all of you

how dare you vote like that. Disgusting

I will see you ALL in hell


We lost because the wolves were immoral, that’s basically it.



if the wolves had any dignity they would just vote themselves

The fact that they didn’t proves they are all morally bad


I’d like to place a bet.
Are you interested?

…Wait, trust tells are bannable, aren’t they.

I wanted to promise you that I would selfvote first thing day 1 in my next scum rand.

yeah that would be… very bannable lul

I feel terrible

gg to those who won

it was fun while it lasted

but my votes and ITAs went everywhere wrong

my reads did nothing

and I made 0 use of my class

maybe ill do better next time

Not if they did it regardless of alignment.

Tfw I kept yelling that a neighborizer can be a wolf, then I kinda forgot about it when Chloe hardclaimed not neighborizer.

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Don’t blame yourself, I don’t think there was a person who singlehandedly ruined this for either team.

I even called Chloe a bussing vote. I’m really peeved. I had a ton of correct insights this game but never followed them up.

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I said something to the effect of “Chloe is a likely busser, because her vote placement on ModeShifter could’ve been deliberate to make her look good after an inevitable Seth red flip.”

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…Seriously, though, two wolves bussed when either could’ve moved to EVO and let EVO get lynched.
If any of the novoters jumped on EVO then Seth wouldn’t be threatened by the rand either.
I guess you didn’t want to out, but it was doable, IMO.

At the same time, I could’ve pushed harder for ModeShifter, so I really shouldn’t be talking.

Thank you for hosting though, really. It was fun to be town in a mash this time around.


Yeah I sucked at this game.

Anyone want us to publicize the Derps / oB mason chat?