[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

simping for a country, that’s what we’ve come to

Please publicize the Light/Derps chat

Is scumchat public

again up to them

yeah i can relink it give a sec

Apprentice moved back onto seth after unvoting, because the progression wasnt there to go onto EVO. We thought we were set until the near-CFD happened

I couldn’t move from where i was. I was fully in on the bus and Seth was my top scumread

I was already under a ton of scrutiny because of my dumbass self-resolving claim - moving my vote woulda done more bad than good :eyes:

Seth took it like a champ

they psoted it earlier

Anyway, if you happen to roll town sided neutral in a game here’s some advice.

Do not claim to be a town sided neutral. This is highly -EV for town for several reasons. First, is that you distract town from their objective by claiming neutral. The reason being this is that when you claim neutral, you add a new layer of WIFOM for town to decipher. Are you actually a neutral, or are you scum? The second reason is that when you claim neutral people tend to trust your pushes less, sometimes even flat out ignoring you. This is not ideal for you, because you are a town sided neutral and thus you need town to win.

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If it isn’t, I hope they make it public.

anyone referencing lying darkness to justify not trusting neuts is probably scum
because everyone knows the lying darkness is gone

@Aelin, why’d you shoot Ici?

You shouldn’t be claiming neutral as any alignment of neutral to be honest. You lose a lot of credibility which is bad for both alignments. You can’t expect town to not lynch/kill you as well when you claim neutral.

the thing is
town couldn’t afford to lynch me
and i had a mystery tool that would stop gunfire

if they lynched you a town wouldn’t have been lynched

Get 5%d

Haven’t you realized I’m a fucking idiot yet?


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This comment should be purged

oh wtf

fuck that

that’s a free 2000 gold