[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I don’t know why Chloe was gaining traction for changing her play
I remember her saying that she was going to do it somewhere

reading up needed

no actually

I wanna hear your case before you do

I’m gonna bug dat and N.1 for VCs for a while because yes

Cheese’s entrance rubs me the wrong way a bit. He is out for the longest time and just comes back and says he doesn’t like two peoples’ entrances? Sounds like possible scum to me. What does everyone else think? I might be reading too much into this.

No it was I.
Lelouch of the Rebellion!

We just need 5 more pardons.

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Also I’m entering the arena tonight. Please don’t enter the arena. Thanks.

Okay, looks like I missed something intriguing.
…And I don’t think it changes my read on Chloe whatsoever. Would still shoot her unless she gets modpeeked or something.

Kinda surprised nobody is following me on Hippo. I thought I was making a decent case for wolf!Hippo.

It’s also a thought I had (briefly). Slightly V?

/vote Hippo back to the tunnel.

Gorta’s focus on Chloe is really weird. It seems narrow. 90% of Gorta’s ISO reads-wise is Chloe, Chloe, Chloe.

This also looks really weird given what Chloe claimed later. Probably too obvious to be some kind of TMI, unless…?

Oh right, we still have to pardon.

/pardon Chloe

Fighters are anonymous for the ITA Arena thing I think.
So this is counterintuitive.
If only you enter and town agree to it then it gives scum a free field day.

Alright I’m about to say something that’s probably a huge no-brainer, but I want to run it by people

In regards to the nightly Arena, I think its best if every townie (who can afford it) joins the ITA Arena. We can’t die from it (i think), and all we lose is gold.

Losing gold might be shitty, however, the more townies who join the Arena, the lower the likelihood of scum winning the legendary - which would probably be really really bad for us.

I think the benefits of a townie getting the prize over scum outweighs the monetary loss?
Someone with a brain
Help me

Also this all relies on scum not having abilities and shit that can fuck up the arena

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I think that, considering the fact we suspected Chloe of being a wagon bomber, PKR’s move is distinctly villagery. He’s out of my shot list for today.

However, if Chloe flips V later, then he might crawl back into the shot list. If she’s a wolf, PKR is never a wolf. If she’s town, he could’ve done this for towncred.

Not sure what to think about Marshal claiming the action, but I townread him so it’s whatever. And it’s also Marshal.


There is no shot list for today.
We have no shots today.

I have a n0 on modeshifter

I’m actually following it. Like, so far he’s just been shading and standing back. Not exactly what I usually see him doing even if I liked his initial tone.

my case currently is that from what i’m seeing, you are attacking chloe with evidence that doesn’t seem that strong. And somehow, you doing this has gathered a lot of power from others - I just don’t see why people are suddenly agreeing with you.

say hello to AP testing

I was here before you were here, and in that part i kinda explained why i was feeling as such lmao

wait wtf is going on

Wait, cloned, which entrances didn’t you like?