[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Sure ignore my posts on alice thanks

No by a mod

It was basically written as a guideline of what I was expecting before the match began. Like, the village play here recently has just been sucking because of a mixture of hero shooting, inactivity, and over-reliance on mechanics, so I wanted to help us shape up for this match.

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Thanks Eevee

so far game seems to be going well™

Could this be a soft?
That’s for you all to figure out.

love the pfp

now im gonna get confused

I’m just gonna go out and get some cream soda see y’all later nerds

You have to read him by tone as he tends to fluff a lot.

Eevee decided this is my pfp now ig

who the fuck drinks cream soda

anyways now derps can modkill me

Case and vote a wolf. That’s all I ask.

/Modkill marshal

Wow bro cool

Good to know. I haven’t played with him before, so I am unfamilar with how he plays the game.

im pretty confident that EG is v here

My immediate shot list for tmrw looks like


At this point, Alice is likely town based on what I’ve seen from her ISO. I’ve seen her show the same mindset in my other games with her as town.

I am Brobama, master of the blade. I travel the world in hopes of finally defeating the infamous cheese monster. Then, and only then, shall I find sweet release in my swamp.

Marshal don’t eat my cookie