[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i hardclaim diviner

Italy is always scum

I have a weird vibe read that Italy’s V.

Like… it’s hard to put it.


I didn’t actually expect to get reactions with a meme, but this one seems odd.

I want to reach my peak


looking at her ISO in that game

she does have trouble puttting her thoughts into words

But I do see that they are way more memey and off-topic. “Relaxed” if you will. It’s the absense of katze probably

Speaking of Chloe, which part of her opening feels “tense”?

you said that they feel uncomfortable
but never explained it

Everyone was either like “lol meme” or “wtf,” but gorta says “please peek me.”
It’s really odd to me. It sounds like something mechanical, which is a rabbit hole I don’t want to dive into, but still kinda weird.

also, marshal said something about a package bomb
what was that about

It… kind of looks like a genuine person that doesn’t understand sarcasm, tbh.

off for lunch and then APCS test

wish me luck :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m moreso wondering why gorta wants to be modpeeked so badly they immediately wanted me to target them instead of anyone else.

Not sure if it’s AI, just a little strange to me. I could see both a villager and a godfather doing this.



some tiny text because this site doesn’t like allcaps

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Occam’s razor says it’s more likely the former rather than the ladder, tbh.


There’s a ladder?!

not saying


Italy said that I was a wolf who didn’t want to be peaked and I know it’s odd, but I want to be confirmed. I am very literal at time. I thought your claim was a meme, but that was more to Italy

that’s exactly what a wolf would say