[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

/ITA eevee @DatBird

If charge triggered

I won the arena

The word I didn’t know last EoD was TWTBAW

or well, i didn’t know what it meant. That’s what I thought of Leafia

Also I hammered because eevee brought up scum having parity if App died to the ITA and I didn’t want to bet the game on chances

/ITA Leafia


I just…don’t know who the scum are at this point so im aiming at the masons(Leafia)

unless Vul died, in which im shooting at CRich


don’t know if either of you are alive at this point but don’t shoot me. I will hard claim every passive eventually today, though I think Chloe already knows most of it?

I have to go for like 10 minutes. I will be back.

fire again @eevee i gave u another shot


You still didn’t figure it out why this didn’t end, despite scum parity, did you?

I’m NK, I’m ITA immune. LMAO.

what a gamer SoD

/ITA Zone

@DatBird if I’m Chargin

lol i gave another shot to NK

Whole fucking scumteam just wasted all theirs itas.


i was supposed to ITA CRich


Get rekt with Vantage.

2 shots fired both miss

blue crich is town wtf

You did good for town for some reason. Lol.

CRich was supposed to heal Vul

Vul died

but i shot leafia anyway

we literally know scum team is Chloe, Leafia, Apprentice and PKR why would u shoot crich

/ita Apprentice

/Ita Chloe

how did you know?

Blue the mafia outted end of day lol, the mafia team is confirmed to be chloe pkr leafia and apprentice you melonhead

I have better question.

You are town, why did you hammer yesterday, lmao.

did they

im bdumb