[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

okay I’m done

The question is who’s core PoE?
IMO we should let Day 1 fully play out and then decide who should be Core PoE based on the events of Day 1.

This is exactly why I know your shot lists will only contain core PoE because you believe we’re all idiots
And you complained about 4~ people being in the playerlist with vigilantes

Duba Gak Kyo?

there is no way anything but pluarity should lynch here

I’m trying to work out Ici/Kyo interactions right now.
Is there any other game where you both were in together involving stuff like this?

I don’t think it’s indicative of either of their slots alignments atm but I would like something for comparison if possible.

people with KP should shoot in PoE

Hero shots are bad, leave them for when PoE is thinner

ITAs should be specific shot lists, obviously discussed upon, but shooting someone who’s not really PoE and townleaned by most is dumb

seth everybody knows this
this isn’t a fucking opinion

she clearly doesn’t lul

Why don’t you just try and read the interaction based on this game alone, instead of scrabbling for a meta comparison?

Duba Dub

asdasdaw 200+ posts already

Not hyperposting just to reply to 23 other people is going to be hard for me

but if you want something ici yelled at poss a lot in I think it was randomizer @PokemonKidRyan

I mean, the issue is that this site has handled KP very poorly in the past.

This kills villages in games with ITAs as this allows wolves to just shoot in the towncore while claiming to be making hero shots without repercussion.

I mean, that works too but having both for information is better is it not?
The more information the better I’d think.


im going to look back at your ISO one day

and im going to be lost

and ill ITA you

probably, anyway

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Well I wasn’t sure what they were referring to when they said Core PoE. :expressionless:

Thought they had some pre set up PoE, which I don’t think is a good idea in any scenario.

Go along with it and just ISO both of us. Using meta as a crutch will not help.

ah yes, a pre-set PoE 200 posts into the game