[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

hold on a moment
waaaa hippo was mean to me

/vote Icibalus

lock v

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/vote ModeShifter

Now i’ve confirmed myself as LOCK VILLAGE you can’t vote me.

I dont think ur necessarily scum but looking at ur posts I dont get how anyones locktowning you lol

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If u dont beat my elf brawl deck I’m itaing u tomorrow. Challenge me coward.

EVO - Post #2367 was the only good post from them that I have seen and even that was not impressive. It seems to me like EVO is trying their best to flake just about enough that they can get away with their reads and I really dislike that as a whole.

Hippo - Hippo’s entrance was unsurprisingly not good due to his jokey nature coming into play. The fake ITA being why I originally sus’d Marsh happening again and they subtly quipped at me for no reason about the LOTR FM game. I have not seen any serious posts from them and claiming speed could be seen as scummy to try and get people to give away whether they are or aren’t our protag. Also just won’t read, doesn’t care.

Cloned - Out of my lowest reads, cloned is the one I always struggle on but I just don’t really like their entrance. Cloned has also disappeared at some very weird times which I do further dislike. A lot of their posts have had quoting others but then not really contributing or giving their own take of the posts. Their most recent posts are also like ‘should I sleep’ ‘I fell asleep’ etc. Which just isn’t helping at all.

Light - I think Light relied on the fake clear earlier on a bit too much and went quiet due to it. They have a lot of not serious posts with some slight serious ones sprinkled in to try and hide perfectly. The first 50-60% of their ISO is joke/fluff. The only reason this isn’t lower is because they at least pardoned Chloe, not too slow. They also just aren’t expanding on things at all. Their second to last post needs explaining but they’re like “I dunno”. I dislike this as a whole and don’t see them acting as to how they have in recent town games

Derps - Derp’s tone has changed more than anyone else’s this game and not necessarily in a good way, just being serious then not and never changing from there. As I said earlier, I think if Derps was town that they would attempt to actually just be one or the other as instead it feels like they’re trying to seem like they’re doing more (by posting a fair bit) while not contributing much. Faked a N0 on L1ght who I also think could be scum, was joking around to try and get me to claim and saying they’d hero shoot me or whatever. I want some serious action by this slot, reads and analysis.

Kyo - Just going to keep this short, Kyo literally hasn’t improved much from when I posted my last readslist so my basis is still here, but combine that with Kyo just fading into the background which is unusual for them.

Italy - Italy refuses to make reads and take things seriously when asked they’re like ‘no lol’ and just don’t care at all about contributing to the town. Their reaction towards me was also abhorrent saying that they won’t take threats or bluffs as if they just don’t care. This slot won’t do anything unless they have to, so I think they need to be made to do stuff. I’m getting bored of it and it’s exclusively anti-town.

Yeah if I want decent sleep I’m not gonna be fully caught up for awhile, but I’ll keep interacting in-thread as that is the fun part for me

This post was not good at all apparently as it is outdated, also Idgaf about obligatory reads, i gave reads b/c i wanted to.

I dont “flake about” I have this thing…

called a job

Then do your job and put effort in while you’re here for god sake.

I might can not read all text.

You write a lot.

These games always start on weekends and weekends are when I’m given 7-9 hour shifts

This looks forced. Have you read any of my shit? Effort in what? Reading? Bc apparently that’s all im supposed to do rn

Read stuff and make proper reads.
Discuss stuff you have seen while reading up.
Your own perspective is important if you are town which is something that Italy (My joint top scumread atm) is not getting at all.

Need some detail and analysis. Not IIOA.

How have I IIOA’d when I’ve read nothing to fucking summarize

Just do what you think you should do.
It’ll give away stuff in itself.

OMGUS is different from IIOA I thought. IIOA is when you just fluff summarize shit yeah? OMGUS is just the “no u” reaction

Info Instead of Analysis

That’s rlly rude scumreading me, I have feelings ya know :cry:

Welcome to my world hippo. Where I get scum read for the well … strangest of reasons.