[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I had a good reason to vote mode, I didnt even know he had votes cuz I hadn’t read thread tbh.

Hippoyeetus is being discriminated against by being in POE.

Then do something to get out of PoE.
Make us townread you by doing something good.

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Good thing about being in poe is best way to get out is to successfully ITA a wolf not in POE so imma go all in first thing tomorrow lol

We’ve already discussed this.
Anyone that ITAs someone not in the pool literally gets all guns trained on them.


Not if I kill a wolf

If I kill a mafia outside poe no way is anyone shooting me lol

Hippo if it makes you feel better I don’t want you shot

so i’d ask you to be one of the later shots

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And then you PKR would have to bow down to me in my locktownness

Same here.
I just want Hip to do some more atm.

but if you hero-shoot a villager i’d fuck u up

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Hip can we at least establish a few people that never should be shot unless something drastic happens?

Honestly I quite like the POE atm and i dont scumread any of the town leaders so I’m just going with the flow.

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now if you argued why someone out of PoE is wolf, gave good reasons, and shot them with approval of others, you’d be likely town and I wouldn’t hate you if it did flip villa

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I’d only shoot:


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You look at self more, not others

Same Alice.

I’ve literally done reads on everyone… twice.

I think him and alice are focusing on the game a lot

alice does have a few posts talking about herself but she does that every game

One of these was an ISO the other one was me catching up

you can see, in ToS 2 that I did both and that their different
