[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

this seems a little selective and unfair

The best part of mafia is when you consistently lynch villagers and make yourself look like an idiot, then you try to change your playstyle next game and do exactly the same thing, but differently.

I may have said this because of personal experiences.

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The people who have this idea then wonder why they’re always put on the PoE regardless of alignment.


like i’ve said


cut the nice crap.

If you are town show us

I’d relate but usually I’m not the driving force behind lynches

Time for signs is up.

Also, this post is a good meme, considering cirmustances.

This post is even better meme tho.

Each time I asked for you to tell me how to scumhunt and gave you example, you went with “but not in this case”. Guess you can’t play without meta? And that’s one of best players this site is meant ot offer?

Hard pass.

Alice / PKR - Why tf you put so much effort for your posts to look townie.

Have you tried to… scumhunt instead?
Get 1-2 pelts and you will also get townreads. Easy. And works as both aligments.

Rest of supposed “best players on the site” are also pretty much terrible, focusing on meta and shallow reads.

Either making long posts which noone will follow cause tl;dr, or just not explaining stuff at all.
And tbh - second category is better. Stop spamposting with walls of analysis which bring nothing.

So yeah.

I got what I wanted to know.

Have fun or something and git gud.


How? I went through 90% of the first 1/3 of his ISO. I barely skipped anything.

The problem isn’t about him being nice, it’s about his point of view. Reading his ISO made it clear to me that he cared about how other people saw him more than about solving or anything else.

I’ve been sorta trying to say I want Seth to contribute but this is perhaps the best way to get through to him.
I have 1 more method which may work.

well this is an interesting post to say the least

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Wow, very nice of you. Whoever you are.

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you are finding things that are true but I don’t think your conclusions on either of these are like… right

i want to give mode a chance and a lot of this I think is NAI

if you don’t want me to try to help you, then feel free to have poor reads for poor reasons

done with this slot

So now we have people coming in from different communities, hiding behind alts, trying to gauge our skill level and then calling us terrible.

Nice. What’s next?

Also, please vote ModeShifter, I’m pretty sure he’s scum unless someone can successfully argue why he isn’t.

i already have voted seth

I think he’s not a new player and instead he’s likely a more experienced person from off-site scouting the play here.

In fact I’ll just throw it now.

@ChopChop listen to me.
You and me have played a lot of games together.
This game we also have been graced with Leafia and OnlyA.

I know the one thing which makes you work hard is your ego.
So, let me say this.
If you want to show them and show me that you are town and that you’re a good player, quit what you’re doing, make reads and actually contribute. No more trying to get people on your good side.
Show me WHY this is ToS 2 FM Seth instead of NUF FM Seth.

I know you were town in both, but my point is, I want you to show me how you can be good.
So get to it.

that post seemed waaaay more aware of how the game worked than anything else i’ve seen tbh

it’s a reasonable method tbh
see how we explain our reads to somebody who appears completely clueless, and catch us off-guard

Well, yeah, and also an asshole, if the post they’ve just written is any indication.

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They have a point. This site is way too over-reliant on meta reads while in reality they only work for only a part of the players.