[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I don’t actually know why you’ve done what you have

don’t know if its important

but as ive said, something feels off. its a gutread, sure, but Im going to watch your slot closer

Just be free like a wild stallion and shit as you go

Yeah, but nobody except bearsquared TR’d him.

I’m selfresolving.

Like Dybu Dabu

I think kat has been in every game im in

Being able to soulread someone as town/scum helps me to see how people are interacting with them and make some better reads

They also make me feel more comfortable
So this is my no-training-wheels game

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Alice - Opening was by far the best out of everyone I’ve seen. She has started very seriously and is taking no prisoners. I believe that she is genuine townie atm who is trying to make sure everything runs smoothly
You - I think your frustration with me and Kyo feels quite legitimate, no sort of wolf theatrics being played. Only reason you’re not higher is I dislike that you’re refusing me to be able to use meta, but the point you used of just using this game as is, is valid.
Vul - Started off with a fairly early vote which is fine, backing up what they say early on which is good as they’re trying to promote discussion this way
Sulit - Sulit is starting off really weakly and I think as scum they’d be putting more effort into early game to avoid being put in PoE.
Mode - Seth is someone that I just don’t know how to properly read. He is often lacklustre (but much to my surprise did well last game). I believe this game his reactions have been genuine and that is why I think he is slight town.
TBE - Blue is someone that did not act serious early on. However slowly evolved to take things more seriously and I believe Blue therefore has acted genuinely.

I realise I included Seth twice and EVO hadn’t even talked. I think I mixed EVO and Evil up but then that means I would’ve included EVO twice. Idk, I’ll read up from there and try to do so again.

Chloe - Chloe started off a bit quiet but then seemed to get more into things when I made the list. She made sure not to jump to conclusions too fast which I like tonally as well.
Evil - Evil just didn’t seem to care at all. I think TWTBAW so far but I’ll be watching this slot in particular to see how it develops.

SDA - Derps literally couldn’t make their mind up when I was posting going from serious to joking and back and forth. I think if Derps was town that they would attempt to actually just be one or the other as instead it feels like they’re trying to seem like they’re doing more (by posting a fair bit) while not contributing much.
Kyo - I didn’t like the Kyo/Ici interactions looking back on it after all. I think that Ici is more townie though so Kyo is the likelier of the two to be scum. Kyo also kept trying to draw discussion back to the ‘types of PoE’ constantly.
Cloned - Cloned, like Seth, is someone I admit to not be able to read easily. I believe that they some of their more recent posts are trying to seem like they’re contributing while not actually producing anything new
Marshal - Marshal had by far the worst opening in my opinion. Their shot is the thing I keep harping back to but it is a focal point for this read. I believe that Marshal actually knew there weren’t any D1 shots but did this on purpose as wolf theatrics because people would quickly assume that they would be paying more attention as wolf and therefore would use this to slide under the radar. I also hate how when Alice was making her tentative town reads how Marshal was like “You’re missing me” which feels like LAMIST.

I have not read anything recently that has happened due to making this though so I do hope that I’m not interrupting anything or posting at a bad time.

What a great entrance to Thread!

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DybuDabu singlehandedly self resolved the entirety of the PRs



IIOA + eh

IIOA + shade

this one is fine

this is not

“I don’t know what your thought process is, so automatically, denied”

eh not terrible not good it’s passable

[quote=“TheBlueElixir, post:483, topic:81726”]


does it tho

Im doing the same thing
why aren’t you REEE’ing at me

soft defense

but also


He sure is something isn’t he?

this was a shitty dunk I have better reasons but no will to put them into words right now

Didn’t make a read on me /vote PKR

Yes but what if they scum read you?

False most people did but were annoyed by him

I literally forgot you existed as you can see from my 10-1 tier reads.

Thanks I try


People read me so easily as Mafia last game but now that I’m town you all of a sudden cant read me how pathetic.


it was a joke dumbass

I think i’ve done this in past towngames it’s just something I do


put me in locktown now plz

Hippo theres no ITAs Day 1 this is a normal thing