[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

If you are town, dont share.

If you are Mafia, go ahead and share me your partners’ names


What liberal is saying here is that they were merely using a gimmick to get us to soft claim so the Mafia would have an easier time to kill us off. And now they are back tracking to avoid suspicion

Of course they don’t need you to claim a character

I was given a response that it was meant to be that they can only Anti Claim if you openly claim your ability.
This doesn’t extend to character and they may use other means to fine that information out.
Compared to when i originally stated about Anti Claim before.

So Role Cop confirmed

How did you originally know about anticlaim Iv somehow missed this

And they are undermined by Kyle’s lists lol

or flavor cop

but yes

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It is my role card i was given ONE piece of info on the setup the rest of my character is unknown to me.
Example i used something about an hour ago and i won’t get to know what it does till tonight.
i just have to have hope its good i also have a plan tonight with the only other piece of info i have which will be very useful. I can cay more tomorrow about this thou.

I think Kyle is mafia for searching for the neighborhood members.

If you know the name of which neighborhood you can guess which JoJo character they might be because you can just look up what characters are in that group

He was gaining that info which I dont enjoy

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Wow either you just let yourself be vigged or you are mafia

Or neut

Dreaming god like then?

Or i might as well out this information it is useful for town.

based on how people are talking about their roles i am useless in comparison.
i would rather die to prove this then let it go to waste on my flip without outing this you would never know this info tell me is it better to not say it now?

More like i am confused and i slowly understand where i am.
When i get the response i will immediately say what my mystery thing is when it happens

The info that my death will cause chaos so town doesn’t want me dead is also important but that isnt justification for being believed.

I’ve outed Kyle, rip

big oof

Believe me or not but if mafia want to kill me thats fine it proves my case and statements