[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

From here, he claimed a healing ability of some sort

Also sorry squid that I never saw that. I’ll probably check a bit now and look for things I missed

i’m telling you nuclear wasn’t claimvigged
i was basically waving a flag around with “CLAIMVIG ME” written on it and they shot him instead

i have zero regard for my personal safety and have just realized how bad an idea this was

except… tbf… i shoot nuclear as mafia 20x before i shoot you lmao.

and i still think mafia had some kinda flavor cop or some shit on nuclear if flavor is actually an anticlaimable thing

I’ll be heading off, but if I don’t wake up before the day ends, I’m crossing my fingers that everyone takes my warning in mind and that everyone knows there’ll be serious consequences if I get lynched

like just because you weren’t claimvigged italy doesn’t mean mafia doesn’t have a claimvig lmao.

and i fail to see how dafuq mafia has two dayvigs that they can use d1

also nuclear claimed to be anti-bleed
that doesn’t feel like something claimviggable to me

like, not explicitly “i can heal people”
no actual claim of his class type
he just said he was anti-bleed

also, imagine killing someone who claims to be “anti-bleed” before the infinite use town-aligned mercenary

have you heard of SPKs?

pulls out chair

enlighten me

nuclear is an obvious threat to maf in an honestly fairly weak playerlist.

also why i think that the lighter thing is something sinister that was given to eevee immediately that can potentially kill them.

because if mafia mow down the advanced players they can honestly steamroll

i watched and also read jojo so i know this
polpo gives the lighter to a person
this is important, right here, so listen up if you value your life eevee
in jojo, if the lighter’s flame goes out, black sabbath appears and grabs the person who had the lighter, and stabs them with the arrow
basically if you’re unworthy you just fucking die, and eevee will probably die if it goes out tbh

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SPKs are strong player kills.

killing somebody for the sole reason that their reads are often really good and a threat to the mafia team. Mafia might choose a SPK over someone with mech power if they fear the social influence a Strong player has on this game.

Arete and nuclear(and eevee if we include my test-thing tinfoil) are three of the best players on this list. mafia getting rid of them helps mafia a lot.

and, no offense italy, but i don’t think mafia would really consider you much of a threat

don’t visit eevee or i give it like
a 50/50 that they’ll die because of it
there could be other things that blow it out but i’m fairly certain bad things happen if it goes out

you underestimate my power
that’s how i get them

i’m convincing you i’m really bad at this game so i can steamroll the enemy team when they expect it the very least

Then it is very convincing that your fluff is NAI then.


Hell, call my read desperate, because I am desperate to find things to do.

Ah,ginger’s Vote is on me now :stuck_out_tongue:
