[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

/vote Jgoes

Boom Bye Scum

Dont be hostile, at least.

I mean it is christmas lol.


Marshal probably tailored jgoes because I pushed him hard day 1 and he thought jgoes as null for most people would mean he would tailor him

Yeah, people actually have families to go to during Christmas Eve… not me though. My festivities aren’t until tomorrow

Yeah except he proved it to be bullshit

He goes in thread, shows knowledge of everything that is going on, shoots a townie and when pressured “I can’t post, it’s Christmas”.

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I read most of those before we went to my grandparents.

You can say that, but dont say hanging out with family on christmas is bullshit.

Jgoes needs to be lynched today he has the arrow

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He didn’t?

Oh fuck yeah! I need that arrow!
/vote Jgoes

He said Jgoes using it as an excuse is bullshit, not being with your family


@DatBird can we get VC

I thought astand was saying that jgoes wasn’t even with their family

Yeah hes with his family just like I’m up in canada with mine. But he, along with myself, have showed that they’re reading the thread. Yet he said he hadn’t because christmas

I won’t.

Both scum and town might have IRL circumstances that hinder them from playing on 100%.

Sure, maybe he was reading thread before going to grandparents. Why was he lurking in that case?

And right now he IS able to post here, and he was able enough to post justification for his shot and everything.

But lurking and using excuses of real life circumstances if >rand scum by itself (I trust Zork on this observation and think it’s correct).

That was a bad answer, Luxy?

@Jane are u neutral pls say so if u are