[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

okay i’m exxagerating
but honestly her flip will be enough to convince people that she’s a wolf soooooo

@PoisonedSquid has died they were…

Trish Una and Spice Girl

JoBro, Squadra Guardie del corpo, Magnet and Holder of Logs

If we all want to survive and get to Sardinia safely, we need to… destroy this plane!

Squadra Guardie del corpo (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Squadra Guardie del corpo.

Spicy Lady (Passive): If you die your set of logs will be the last set, as you held all the paper

Soften (Day): Target player will only be injured/bled by ITAs today and cannot be killed by them. (3 uses)

Spice Girl (Night): Target player will be redirected to you tonight. If the Player is related to you by blood, you will be notified (infinite uses)

The Bosses Daughter (Night): Target Player will be your bodyguard for tonight. If you are attacked your Bodyguard will die instead. If a bodyguard ever dies, you lose all your limited uses of this ability and you can’t use Soften tomorrow (2 uses)

Spice Girl Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, when you die logs don’t go away but get shortened to fifty characters. Soften if used on an injured player will heal them, and gets another use. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise, the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

Repeat previous statement

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i give up

So Ici, thanks for outing yourself.
That’s very kind.

My shot made sense, PKR, you fucking moron.

It really didn’t…

I’ve screwed up badly enough but I am not losing this game based on this,

According to the information very conveniently only you can see you lemon.

We can’t write logs anymore

Nobody in our chat said anything even remotely resemblng “Arete died 3 hours into the game”. Of course there were discussions of his death, but nothing like that.

Squid claimed the information was in this thread in resposne, if you notice.

(psst @DatBird logs… you forgot about posting them on few todays kills)

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Squid literally never said it was in your hood chat

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Well I’ve been doing the right thing.
Out everything you’ve got guys.

We have to do so, since otherwise we lose info upon deaths.
And they have claimvigilantes anyway, so I’m dead next.
No need to be worried.

Then why the fuck did she say “someone in our neighbourhood chat” said that in the vaguest possible way?

I am perfectly justified in reasoing that she was bullshitting there.

oh true let me get those

@PoisonedSquid I’ll follow your final wish as you said this entire time.
Icibalus will not survive today

Literally zero mention of neighborhood

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