[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

You had justification in neighbor chat before you even asked question.

Self meta good

your legs are now broken

Selfmeta>everything else

I will see to it personally that you die for self meta

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Youre not i T a L i A n

you have sealed your fate

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Okay my main question is Did he claim his character either in chat or neighborhood.

This is important and no one should be receiving their characters

Sup game thread

sup nerd.

That’s what I’m trying to find out. It’d be great if someone from his neighborhood outed any decent information about if anything important happened there

Justification for what. Idk y u think I’m scum.

Marshal is synonym for nerd

I’m really sus of the neighborhood and won’t be participating

Out them

Can you explain this further?

I’m also on phone only for 4 days so good luck with thinking I will have good reads


1 member found

is everyone in a big neighborhood with too many people for you to not suspect scum inside