[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Still missing a few night actions

Processing actions right now, actions are locked

@Ami has died they were…

Mario Zuchero and Soft Machine

JoBro, Other, Redirector and Jail Keeper

I could’ve killed them and thrown them into the sea, all chopped up nicely so the fishies could eat them easier

Deflate (Day): Target Players Day abilities will fail (2 uses)

Soft Machine (Night): Choose a player they will be imprisoned between two boats and unable to act tonight. You will also guard them from any negative effects (infinite uses)

Instant Transportation (Night): Force a Player to visit another player (3 uses)

Soft Machine Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Soft Machine will allow you and your target to send a 1000 message to each other. Deflate and Instant Transportation gets another use. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

An Arrow has been dropped

@Italy has died they were…

Formaggio and Little Feet

JoBro, La Squadra Esecuzioni, Bleeder & De-Empowerer

Would you quit with you worthless drivel?

La Squadra Esecuzioni (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of La Squadra Esecuzioni

Index Finger Stab (Day): Stab a player bleeding them. They will die in two nights unless healed. (1 uses)

Little Feet (Day): Shrink a Player making their ITAs and Day abilities fail (2 uses)

Guard (Night): Sit outside target players house guarding them and preventing other from visiting them (Infinite uses)

Hide (Night): Shrink down and hide behind someone, if someone tries to kill you it will fail, but if the person your hiding behind dies, you also die. Can’t target the same player consecutively (3 uses)

Little Feet Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, all of your limited use abilities get another use, and Index Finger Stab kills the player in 1 night instead. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

Il Gazzettino issue no.1

heres this in case i die

d1: give Eevee lighter
n1: lights out Eevee dead
d2: give lighter to hippo
n2: lights out hippo alive
d3: zone lighter
n3: lights out zone dead
d4: nerds hammered before I gave it
n4: cappo report aka what ur reading now

Didn’t realise lights out killed due to ITAs till after I killed zone whoops

Also it’s probs Kai

Day has started and will end in 48 hours or 2020-01-04T16:30:00Z. Majority is 2


Voted Voter Votes
Abstaining SirDerps, PKR, Evilginger 3

Do NOT vote yet.
I have a question I need to ask you both.
How many abilities in total, including passives, day, night and requiem do you have?

/vote pkr


I have 1 ability that gets upgraded upon dying if I have the arrow

I asked about total amount of abilities in full?
You’re saying you only have 1 ability?

Yes. And that ability gets upgraded should I get the arrow

So you have 1 ability and a requiem ability.

I haven’t lied once about my role except saying big e cheese was my stand which of course was a meme

How did both italy and kai die last night theirs only one scum right

Did you give one of them a lighter?

did you read the post at the beggining of the day

This is how.

oh so Italy hid behind Kai then?

Logically, yes.

Derps, I ask for you to answer my ability question too.

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