[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Throw some jokes, post a wall when accused, very smart written, out of wolf range my ass.

Yeah whatever.

Answer my question.

What you think of insanity

This game does not right, yeah.

Throwing my reads to garbage bin rn. Need to start over.

Sorry getting annoyed because it feels like we are losing before even d1 eod, bullshit

Nuclear’s last posts look bad for Kyle, so I will look into it, but I don’t think I’d come there today, as some stuff from Kyle seemed genuine.

And if I were mafia, I’d kill Nuclear when he’s being the most wrong, but it’s not really an argument.
So probably something to think D2 or something.


You started the game strong, trying to do shit. Discussing wagons. Pointing attention to Lastday.

But in your 2nd and 3rd apparance you just fluffed, what caused the DROP in interest when it should be the opposite since shit happened???
To me it looks like you posted just so it doesn’t look like you disappeared, but gamestate is fine for you???

Go into a fucking scumpile.

“I’ll start strong, will discuss and push a little to look good”, and then fading into bullshit, typical scum pattern.


Possessed's iso

Wolfy pop-in.

Then they proceeded to read off Lastday’s post.

Weird reaction when Hjasik said the reason why Arete was killed off.
Then he decided to start to fluff stuff.

Overall a weird quick turns of event making you suspecting him, am I right? Astand?

Mist's Iso

Trying to make some slank cover.

Yes, it is, but overall, this post seems out of place.

Admitting that he is basically not doing anything else.

Overall, the content is just non-existent here.

Lastday's ISO

Meh entrance. More weird due to the fact of “yee”?

Getting defensive when people were meme voting Memesky, but NAI in my mind.

Normally town wouldn’t say this, even if they were a newbie to the game.

Getting more and more defensive down the line as Emilia said his post were scummy.

Weird reaction.

Seems long, but contains only a tiny bit of content, with a lot of fluff.

This is some damn weird assumption that you’ve made there, buddy.

More weird reaction that shouldn’t came from the town.

What stands out to me is the fact that he is just doing some random read for the sake of clearing himself, which is basically the same situation I am in, I suppose. Wolfy.

Uhm, fluff.

Fluff again, and some form of…weird shade.

So is he trying to find a post to refrain from voting Evil_Ginger or what?

Here is my ISO of them.

@eevee-sama Why is your existence lately has been weird?

What did you achieve lately?

/vote Lastday

Why do you feel this one is more worthy of your vote than other two?

Excluding the slanker, Mist, my only option here is either Possessed or Lastday.

Possessed, just like you said, start off initially strong, but then later turned into fluff zone.

Which is really, really scummy.

However though, Lastday’s post just clicked more thing that is wrong to me, his reaction to Arete and Nuclear’s death, some weird reluctancy and reason about not wanting to vote Ginger and something like that, and also making random read just for the sake of clearing himself.

About Lastday ISO, I think you’re missing a lot of context so I suggest you read the post in between as well, and see if it changes any of your view

The slanker could easily be taken care off later, so that is why I excluded him.

I have something more to say but I will just wait for you first

Those are the people I only asked you to ISO, which doesn’t mean you must votes in “options” I gave you?

In Possessed ISO, you avoided noting any of his posts that give actual substance/content, why is that?
Your approach to Lastday’s ISO seemed different. Like, more detailed for some reason.

“Hey protectives, let eevee die or he dies.”

Nothing really stands out to me due to the fact that the later half of his post were just him fluffing about what gift to sent to his mother and stuff.

I mean in first half of his posts.