[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Or is your beef because he said “town would do that” here?

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Why is he questioning the actions of the villagers, not the wolves? It dosen’t feel normal.

And by mislynch I meant mis-ITA

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Mist1422 Mist1422 1/10

@ me if I missed any or thats the wrong number for majority as I prob did the math wrong

Will Prob make an ITA chart with all the shots in like 2 hours. Might lay down as im tired and sick

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Ici, do your thing for now tbh, I won’t interfere.

Make geyde do it

like, he’s not like: “okay, where are the wolves that had something to do with Memesky?”. he’s asking “how could villagers do this?”. and it’s weird
god i wish I could psychically communicate my weird motivation reads without making 50 followup posts for each one

It’s because I didn’t think that scum would shoot memesky. It doesn’t seem that beneficial for them.

hes sleeping or just not online

Congrats to everyone for making it to final 18.

Also someone hit me up with that arrow.

Yeah Derps just town for amount of heated interactions with Marshal, I’ll move on.

that’s weird
because you were awfully willing to consider both allignments in the “generic making reads” thing

Yes because scum has a good benefit if they do make reads: they could get townread for contributing.

With the Memesky one, scum doesn’t have a good benefit that I can think of.

I think that htm isn’t exactly being incompatible with logic, but there’s some very small leaps ocurring there and that indicates something TMI-shaped in his mindset. Now all i have to do is figure out if it’s actual TMI or if it’s just htm’s weird fractal preconceptions.

what about the classic benefit of “somebody who isn’t in their faction is dead”?

I can see that one but Memesky is inactive and barely has any posts. He would be easy to mis-ITA but he doesn’t seem like a useful kill.

Does scum!Ginger even do that? I’d think he would prefer just to chill on Insanity wagon if he’s a wolf.

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if the villagers are already shooting somebody, the wolves have every reason to construct a consensus where every villager wants to shoot Memesky. I’m not saying that any of these explanations are real, but why weren’t you willing to consider those possibilities?

Again, you were willing to consider that the wolves were wolfhunting, yet not willing to consider that the wolves would just want to kill somebody who they thought was a villager. You seem to have this conception that wolves are teriffied of killing villagers, which is extremely weird.

Shurian, Arete, and Insanity have all offered to make VCs and ITA charts from the dead. So dont worry if they message or typing, as they are just helping out, and wont post anything but those