[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

/ita Kai

No? Townies focus On same people as much Thats What happened in dangan for example

Ah, I see the one I have been trying to mimic has arrived

You have as much content as a vegan advert.

Please be serious and do something for once

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No? Townies are far more likely to focus on their own tangents with other players whilst also contributing to big arguments.

This was not the case as the entire thread was me vs pkr

(I do not know what is a ‘not so scummy intro’ so i will just not do it.)
I didn’t denies the RVS,i am just curious that why would any one D1 votes a random person.
Also,why in the hell i am always wolfy…

ok i admit this is funny

Because interaction. So when someone dies tonight, we can use today as info to win


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“Kai was like father”

I didn’t realize this game requires so much reading

I’m aiming for 1000 posts by myself wish me luck


I even gave example Where that didnt uphold I’d Even say that theyre more likely to move their focus to more attention grabbing interaction

Look at Mafia Academy and how thread warped around jgoes vs marshal tvt and was constantly pushed by w!priestess and w!merc

Reading and posting.
But sometimes people struggle with that, so please at least understand and utilise your role if you’re town.

If not, then just chill and do nothing but read

Honestly I’ll try to give my reasoning now and not in an hour and you just won’t get quote proof backing me up:


Why I think pkr’s posts are wolfy posts:

We will focus on two posts. Gun blazing post and the [quote=“PokemonKidRyan, post:303, topic:79862, full:true”]
I’m sick of never doing what I think is right.
Never pushing enough and being overshadowed.
Letting myself lose or die because I’m not doing enough or I give up and allow my mind to change easily.

I will not keep doing this. I cannot mentally take fucking up for being quiet. So I am going all guns blasing.

Now many people are saying this is townie Ate but I highly disagree because I’ve seen it from scum twice when pushed. Me in sfol53 and priestess in maf academy.

Framing yourself as the valiant, brav hero who won’t back down against your evil bad pushers is exactly what happened in those games.

And it’s what PkR is doing right now. This specific AtE is a particularly scummy one and I find it from scum PKR.

Now a note. My push on PKR was only because I found him slightly scummy. But PKr is so fucking easy to read under pressure and honestly he didn’t do his town meta thing so I see his reaction as scum AI

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Ahhhhh what is going on???

Is this a scummy intro?

Youre not always Wolfy
The mindset towards these actions Ive seen much more from wolf than town Thats Why I am voting you here

So what’s your framing of the pkr vs me argument?