[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

p sure we all know what fails the test
we just don’t know what causes it to happen

Well I dont have a killing power so I wont ask

But… you were also in PoE?

I wasnt at the start of this day but during today ppl are more susp of me cuz im defending a scummy person.

So you realize it

i’m kind of close to making it so derps can’t hand out lighters anymore

You were in mine SoD

I asked Dat and basically it’s randed, like we thought.


What if
you wanted to give somebody a lighter
But the ability did not go through

Sounds like killing you.

nah i don’t have any on-hand knives
but i can disable people’s abilities

Bruh, the lighter could of killed Eevee, why would you want to stop that from happening?

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I’ll tell dat to make it

Literally this.

What if
You wanted to use your power
But Datbird said

the problem is that throwing out lighters at complete random without knowing what happens is
how to say
“a problem”

Yeah but i have a greencheck obvs imma defend it lol i dont have much choice




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We have quite a few people confirmed or semi-confirmed and a few in PoE.
It’s not dangerous due to that.