[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

They can try

Here’s me hoping it’s a night claimvig since they won’t target me
I’m thinking of checking this tonight to be useful.

Any objections?

True. They are probably more focused on getting arrow or keeping it.

I’m still confident they won’t go for me.
We’ve had a lot of investigatives.
We could easily have a backup lookout.

Well I would guess it’s during day, I guess it could be night too but I’m pretty sure poss was claim vigged

Same here. It was very convenient.
But… I could try asking both.

Problem is how my oracle feedback works.

Still not sure why poss claimed


I’m sure that if he hadn’t claimed, I would have been dead by now

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i’ve been egging on the claimvig for a while
i’m just assuming mafia think i have a passive that nukes them if i get claimvigged or something by now

or this can be a massive WiFoM and i actually do have that passive

Or they don’t see you as threat lol

But yeah, Italy, pick someone out of the PoE that we are not lynching

i’ll be laughing when they don’t have a claimvig

Or Italy is the claimvig

:eyes: lol

Or they need your character like I’ve said since D1 SoD.

yeah well if they need my flavor good luck

It’s safe to assume the have most flavors seeing as how poss didn’t claim flavor

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i’d expect dat to put in some system where they can’t just guess random characters until they get a hit

They have a flavor cop is my guess that or they just assumed based off abilitys as they are allowed to do that.