[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Ah that makes sense.

Okay yeah am gonna sleep alittle now my thoughts on the current wagons is I would Lynch Sulit>Jgoesgaming as them flipping red would just mean there is a busser 90% of the in an attempt to keep the arrow otherwise mafia pushing them to get the arrow.

I would rather watch the slot and keep them around.

Not to mention the claimed Green Peak on them.

Do not protect me at night, as scum will not kill me. I’ve stuck to my guts this entire time and I’m confident here.


I agree dont protect PKR

All hands on deck.

/vote Evil_Ginger

merry christmas
give up on your dreams of becoming a baker

i just had a random thought which has probably been discussed to death: which nightkill was the wolf factional and why?

i’m just thinking that since I’m lazy as fuck i might as well read the dead villagers’ reads and presume that there’s a common read between them that might be unconciously or conciously making the wolves kill people

I’ve read Lime’s ISO - haven’t found anything that would help us now.
Shurian is 0-posting slot.
Kyle died because he was lover to eevee and wolves never kill him.

or something
people don’t read dead villagers’ reads enough and I figure it might be worth it as a nice relaxing activity for Christmas Day

I’ll have a look as well, see if there’s anything you missed. Or anything dumb that I notice.

What did you feel upon seeing htm flip?

there are at least 5 answers to this question that are awful jokes, but i’ll spare you that and say that my dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

What were your thoughts when you saw Jgoes hit htm?
What was your thought immediately upon seeing the flip?
What were your thoughts 1 minute after seeing the flip?
What were your thoughts 10 minutes after seeing the flip?

it’s weird because like
i felt… nothing, when I saw jgoes hit htm?
but yeah definitely annoyed that yet another read I quite liked was wrong

as for the last two, they’re not really relevant because I went to watch the Princes Bride with my grandma and the rest of my family so

Suck lack of remorse that 1 minute after your scumread flips town you go and have fun watching movies?

dude it was christmas eve and I kind of couldn’t avoid it?
i did really enjoy that film though, thanks for not asking

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Don’t bother, I know well enough my point is ridiculous.