[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Would you look at that. L-1, and Ginger is online.
…so, when will he hammer Jgoes and take the arrow?

400 seconds of temptation.

I said I was sheeping hippo and I do as I say so unless hippo changes I wont. I stopped caring about this game when you stopped listening to reason.

Funny. So you cared about the game before I subbed in for snow-something, and not anymore after I do.

Your everything revolves around me, huh?

Or maybe you didn’t care about the game since the beginning?

Sure, because your usual meta is to be assertive, yes, but not trigger happy. This version of you I’m not used to so…

But no

I stopped caring once eevee turned out to be Mafia and it ruined my motivation to actually try hard. My paranoia is kicking in and I have no way to stop it so I’m just gonna meh it the rest of the way through this game.

100 seconds is a long time. I don’t care about the arrow anymore. @astand, you can have it.

/vote Evil_Ginger

Touché. I’ve seen you trolling, but never… lackluster.

Funny. That’s not how I deal with my paranoia.


/vote Sulit

Last second appearance isn’t townie though lmao.

Don’t care! GIVE ME A TIE!

Fucking fine idk what crawled up your ass but whatever the shit you feel like buttface come at me you chose sucking piece of shit have at you while I piss on your fucking grave you psychotic piece of trash

/vote Evil_Ginger

We need a tie!

Nope eat a dick

/vote Jgoesgaming

Think Luxy is scum for rolefishing me shortly after I got the arrow.


/Vote Sulit

since they could actually not be a mislynch.

…what a dick indeed.

/vote Jgoesgaming


Wolfy, dude.

Deliberately timed.

Oh god, both of them popped in so late! AAAAAA-

Vote Count

Voted Voted by Votes
Jgoesgaming SirDerpsALot, Luxy and Kai_5, PokemonKidRyan, Lastday3312, Ici, Mist, Sulit, Astand, Zone 9/9
Sulit Hippolytus, PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Jgoes 4/9
Evil_Ginger TrustworthyLiberal, Evil Ginger 2/9
Not Voting Italy

Stop talking