[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Because those are two seperate things

It’s Kai… just end this.

ok answer this
has TL been townie AT ALL

No… However, the fact that both of you f’d up last night…
Birds of a feather flock together.

im sorry for believing in protective custody

If you are seriously trying to use this as an excuse Kai.
There’s 1 final mafia.
We do not “Protective Custody” then.

kai you refused to answer a simple question
the stakes were that if you refused you’d lose your abilities

italy have you fucking read what ive posted many times

it’s not really an excuse considering you’ve lost an important ability

you see why im an alcoholic now :upside_down_face:

Voted Voter Votes
Kai_5 PKR, Derps 2/4
Trustworthy Liberal Kai_5, Evil Ginger 2/4
Abstaining TL, and Italy 2

What happens in a tie again?
Is it RNGd?

Ask questions in ur Classcard

Ok well the answer was RNG.
And since I think it’s Kai, I’m all for it atm lol

in that case

The Result


Well, I know that link’s not any rickroll one… yes… I know all rickroll links due to how many different ones have been used on me.

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What about this one?


Well damn I dont know how to do just the text but oh well still good meme

i don’t like the silence that’s been going on

wow its almost as if scum are statisfied with me being lynched so arent doing anything