[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

unit passives?

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Being a part of a unit counts as a passive ability, you know, the neighborhoods?

This would be a stupid thing for scum to make up so I feel like Evil is probably lying here

Ah… that does exist.

OH yeah those. No im not in any kind of chats etc

Which makes me sad because neighborhoods are fun

I just wish I had thought ahead.
I could’ve gamesolved in 2 days.

I don’t think you’re making this up, so imo it has to be evil here

tenor (13)

I flipping hate myself right now.
Claim your abilities.

Should I die I turn into a tree stump with no ability to vote or ita and I dont flip

If I get the arrow I can still vote and ita after turning into a tree stump

Character name and stand?
I might’ve missed it but I’m intrigued.

I’m pretty sure it is obvious at this point I ain’t actually claiming my role do it yourself nerd

that sounds so broken I can’t imagine this existing

I’m the last one of my special unit

occ/redirect immune, lighter giving, make ITAs less likely to hit me, lighter attack, my ability that let me say something at SOD, and arrow


Still think I’m lying? F1t3 m3 m8

You have the arrow? Hmmm

no my arrow ability lmao
