[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

it’s going to be like Liar but not complete cancer because the game will make slightly more sense. also you’re allowed to lie in this one.

you’re also allowed to privately communicate about the game outside of the game so long as you include me

so that’s fun

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Can I pre-in

I am disappointed in u

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that’s right baby, we’re talking a NO JESTER GAURENTEE

war flashbacks to ToSFM3


come on that game may have been complete bullshit but Manti did a good job at making it entertaining

I literally got killed N1 for having the idea that it was all jesters

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Were you basing your predictions on just abilities from wikia or something?

exactly, your pain is hillarious and an example to us all :^)

Mostly, yeah.

Plus Last’s flavor knowledge.

I want a link to this game :eyes:

i still have not been answered on how many of my bluffs you believed


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Do I get wolf MVP for:

  • Breaking the setup before game even started
  • Telling Derps to give me lighter
  • Telling Derps to claim my death
  • Getting role information from total of 7 townies on private chats
  • Corectly guessing flavor for all out claimvig shots

N1 dead wolf carry.

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throwback to when I correctly cleared TL and Ginger, Possessed died to bring those reads back from the grave, and then they got mislynched the day before LyLo and in LyLo

we’re ignoring the Derps read for now

this game is a funny read even if I agree that all jester games are shit. i should know. I hosted one myself. it was hillarious, but… bad.

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We had a jester one here but everyone was such obvious jesters we figured it out like instantly.

we were planning to give it up as soon as you figured it out. we didn’t have to have control of the game wrested from our hands by the mods, which is what happened with the original Ghost Town.

Graz Arete, there were a lot of good players but you got the first SPK

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