[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

My logs were going to mention that you promised to SPK me N1
I didn’t anticipate the dayvig though

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on hindsight it probably wasn’t the greatest idea to do that after i said that

because you wolfread me as soon as you hopped into that chat

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also if eevee was loverised with someone who we found pretty threateaning.

the plan was for me to actually bus-shoot eevee

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Don’t host a game with 29 People?

Nah mashes are the best

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i thought the numbers worked out fine :man_shrugging:

actions were on point unlike danganronpa when they would have like 18 hour delays

Most of the delays were because I slept in like 30 minutes

Or had to count scum abilities for twenty minutes as I miscounted like 6 times

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Was a fun game all and all happy I helped fill it on hope next time it’s not over the holidays so i can give this alittle more.

Might also be able to get a friend in for part 7 that is addicted to JoJo’s that was read along all the deaths he seemed to love it.

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Who shot uni?

poss, via nuclear’s vig ability

but imma credit that one to “all of deadchat”

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Oh yeah, I can’t take all the credit. Arete actually wanted me to kill you Marshal, but I TRed you and agreed with the Uni kill instead.

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I would also like to thank @Geyde for being a great cohost and dealing with my shitty balancing and all the dead that helped with VCs and ITA shots and @ ing me when hammer was reached like @Shurian @Arete @Insanity @astand and @Kyle20 and many more


I wasn’t up to handle that before it was a problem, so Dat handled it as it was
I agree that that as a question is total bs

The game suffered from being a themed mash with no real restraint on ‘this is where it ends’ in terms of town power roles.


I forget why but once I preflipped Marshal as scum Uni was super obvious


i softed alignment cop since post 1 and i thought it could kinda save me.

had i woken up earleir i woulda “fullclaimed”

I feel like that would’ve worked better without a flipped AC

Also Mist’s shot was desperado and you were the obvious choice given that

i actually based a lot of softs after you being AC

my …? reaction to your death was made to be “im shocked, another alignment cop?”

and me saying “my role is important, especially now.” quite a bit

i also made it a slight reviver soft in the case that i needed to claim that to buy me time