[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

The first part is just a question. The second half though is me seeing the words as “Wow, you suck at this”

But that is what I said to him

when was this

The reason I’m very curious to see Squid respond to me, is I read a mafia game of hers and compared to DR where I saw her saying similar things or trying to make it seem like she was feeling rude in similar situations. The flaw was that she was being over reactive, or unable to say why she was reacting to said situation the way she did.

Also I apprecieate the shade.

Especially considering that beef already exists since NR wants to hang you “most” rn.

“some of you are mafia”

It’s an 8 neighborhood, so on basic Rand it would include 2 mafia.

I don’t follow your thought process on how this is a personal attack that you would actually have.

Right, and I didnt think anything of it except to get dialogue going but then you dipped

In a MU mash, it was either you or maybe Jumpluff now that I’m thinking about it

I got answer that he just waits to be PoEd now btw.

I’m talking about you calling my read bad! I know it’s likely that there’s some Mafia in our neighborhood, but being called Mafia isn’t an insult

Yeah I gave up

We all have bad reads, I’m saying it’s a bad read because I have mechanical info toward the read you were giving. I would have outed this in neighborhood but honestly the main thread is probably better.

We have 20 hours, the chance that you will be the Lynch isnt that high, especially since I’m the only one pushing you aorn

Not sure whyd you over react like this

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Because it is starting to look like last game I played on this hormonally deficient site.

hmmm I usually remember my reads (Narcissism gives me a good memory) so it was probs jumpluff

First step is to be calm.

Second is to take breaks if need be.

Third just try and find your mafia, don’t need to prove yourself to me

I believe the reads I’ve made so far are 100% accurate. Fight me.

Alright, I’ll go switch my vote. Marshal’s my second highest scumread, so I’m giving him some spice
/Vote Marshal

Giving maybe reads, and being 100% correct.

That seems difficult

I’m gonna revert back to a previous comment I made earlier.

You are no fun. I’m gonna berate someone else.