[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Insanity > w for earlier stated reasons

TL > light w or poorly fpsing v because i just don’t believe their info on the flavor being part of anticlaim because it makes no sense from a balance perspecitve

hippo > would have to iso, no good read on them for now

I eas thinking it was a good thought but remembering Lime is also in a neighborhood.

Think this looks good for Marshal and honestly would rather not Lynch them today based on this and some of his recent posts

Your posts don’t read natural

my full username is “marshal”

and it has potential as part of analysis

if someone starts doing something as far as their text that they haven’t done before, there’s a good chance they learned it from their scumbuds.

I think it’s usually used for emoijis and called emoji analysis

Fair I hope to be able to prove this tonight with more information since i know my limitations and mafia can’t kill me without confirming said information.

Pretty much tommorow morning I should have a juicy amount of info.

Like sending secret messages? :wink:

oh actually this is a good point.

the lime spice wouldn’ta worked anyways

Well it is all natural :wink:

Thats a huge stretch and looks like u just wanna look like u thought u found spice lol.

/vote marshall

i literally said i didn’t find spice

Yeah this isnt habanero spice, it is paprika spice. Lame.

Oh yeah I’m also in my like 0% wolfreange, you can probably get nuclear to confirm if you want.

but i still explained what my thought process was because i said i might have spice


Yeah but that was SUCH a stretch even pretending there was the idea of finding spice adn p useless to town.

Hippo isnt memeing as much, lockscum

He voted me right after a meme and didnt even meme about the meme he was voting me for lol

some of the shit i do are stretches.

I just thought it could be something and it takes like 3 mins to analyse.


Right, he is actually playing the game to some extent.

Ur funny.

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