[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

I think pressuring someone before they get a chance to do anything is horrible manners and no, I dont ate as a wolf.

but it’s not even if they are wrong

ya said even if they were wrong

meaning you know said points are wrong

It says the same thing my guy

this is self meta

self meta is inheretly flawed

no clear for you

How the fuck is self meta scummy

I agree. It isn’t scummy, it is just not enough to actually say someone is town leaning just because they aren’t acting like they usually do as mafia.

Maybe if someone else pointed it out

it is inheretly flawed.

knowing your own meta means that you can replicate it.

saying “i never say banana as scum”

and then saying banana

is the worst argument because you know that you usually don’t say banana as scum and therefore can say it as scum to clear yourself.

Tl;dr: if you know your meta you can replicate it, meaning you cannot clear yourself based off of said meta

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Man some of these points are so dense I can’t fathom anyone actually thinking them as town.

What’s your theory? I learned about them flipping in wolfchat and wanted to bring it up for absolutely no reason (not like I gain towncred for asking) and then lie that it was mentioned in good chat in the very same post I made the comment I knew they had died?

That’s so verifiably idiotic that it’s almost never worth even considering. If I mentioned it as a wolf I’m going to mention it in the context I learned it.

Acting like theres even the slightest possiblity I was lying just seems like going way out of your way to try to make random shit look wolfy.

Scummiest thing Iv ever read

well no. im not going out of my way

saying “i learned it in neighborhood” is implying you didn’t learn it in wolfchat.

and if what arete flipped was discussed, that means that you might have been lying about not knowing the flip.

and if i can get someone to check if what you said holds true i fucking will

Well if you payed even the slightest bit of attention while reading my iso you would have realised I voted you at first soley because I heard other people bringing up your name in a negative light and, having not read your posts yet, no I would not commit to a wolfread.

I changed my opinion when looking through sirderps iso and seeing for myself that your reactions to things came off forced, your reads looked ridiculous, and your tone was just overall wolfy.

I liked you a bit more when you came back and posted then nonsense about the spelling of your name because it’s just such a ridiculous thing to look into as a wold but like… this case so far is not giving doing you wonders and your push that I’m wolves with derps is silly because I think you should have been able to look at him assuming you’ve played with him before and see that his perspective is intricate and interested in a way unlikely to come from his wolfplay.

Going back to the other point the reason I said “even if he’s wrong” was because I was selling why he was wolf from your perspective WHICH IN YOUR CASE SHOULD BE THAT YOU’RE TOWN.

There’s no reasonable way to percieve it as a tmi slip. That’s ridiculous.

you know what?

i actually think i was confbiasing myself on the TMI slip part. I think i was just excited that i “caught” a scum.

still FOS on limestone but that part at least isn’t true and i retract it

Okay wait I may have just realized something it might be a stretch but can anyone confirm if this idea is dumb:

Marshal said he wants to be scum or town read, is this because he’s scared he’ll get red checked if he’s null? I might be looking too far into it

You think there’s any wolf who would be dumb enough to think they read people talking about a flip as in reacting to it vs planning who they’re going to dayvig (which yes, I’m assuming came from wolves from the sounds of it because they didnt sound like they were heavily suspected)

It’s just such a weird thought to have. No wolf would ever slip in that way.

that’s a stretch.

I was more commenting on how im never really nullread in any game of mine, always heavily townread(usually via mech conf_ or scumread

I didn’t ask you

lmao for real fuck off.

i gave you why i said that statement and you also didn’t specifically not ask me. you just said “anyone”

I give the same tell in a lot of my towngames because its true, half a meme but I dont see how you can point to it and act like it’s a point against me.

Lime “Haha I got voted again so now you KNOW I’m town, funny right?”
Marshall “omg self meta wolf!!! wolf!!! wolf!!!”

I hate even a hint of self-meta because there are… some people who abuse it and make it a pain to play with.

honestly i think my veiw is being clouded by irritation so im gonna go back to who i originally scumread

/vote insanity

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