[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

There were other wagons that formed that reached around the same amount of Insanity’s wagon, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t destined to be lynched the whole day

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namely me.

ive had 3+ votes since like 30 minutes in lmao

And the sudden wagon on me too

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As I said, if he’s scum, then we’ve somehow been doing well the entire day.

This doesn’t feel like it.

day over

VC Update!

Voted Votee Votes
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, PokemonKidRyan, Hippolytus, Insanity 4
Insanity Memesky, Limestone, Marshal, Kyle20, PoisonedSquid, Kai & Luxy 6
PoisonedSquid Emilia 1
Possessed Mist1422 1
Lastday3312 Evil_Ginger 1
Luxy&Kai astand 1
Abstaining TrustworthyLiberal, Possessed, Boss110, Lastday3312, Jgoesgaming, Italy, Universal, Hock3yforlif322, supermegagirl818, snoromlol, Loser, Eevee and BlueStorm

Day has ended Please do not Speak


Please note this Shuri Bot is uninformed!

Shuri Bot will now only consider the following syntax for votes.
**/vote Name**

Insanity has died, they were…

Coco Jumbo and Mr. President

JoBro, Squadra Guardie del corpo, Shield and Neighborizer

Turtle noises

Squadra Guardie del corpo (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Squadra Guardie del corpo.

Mr. President (Day/Night): Invite target player to the Mr. President neighborhood they will be added at the end of the day/night phase you are currently in. Anyone inside can leave at any time or you can kick them out. Either way, you will get a use of Mr. President back (5 uses)

Shell (Day): The Next night you will be death immune (1 use)

He Protect (Night): Target player in Mr, President will be guarded by you tonight, any attackers attacking them will attack you instead (3 uses)

Mr. President Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, all your abilities get 1 extra use. He Protect can now target two people. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise, the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

No logs were found

Night begins and will end at 2019-12-23T14:25:00Z

Send ur actions in your role card til then.


Seeking Replacements. The more the merrier

@Htm has replaced in for @Loser

still looking for more

@Shurian has replaced in for @supermegagirl818

Two more replacements needed

Missing a little under half of the night actions dont forget to get them in by tomorrow at 2019-12-23T14:25:00Z

Actions are locked. Give me a little time to process

After Destroying Team Mom, Dio’s kid, and a innocent little cute Turtle with a name. You all didn’t think this game could get any crazier but it did. You woke up to FIVE new bodies

@Shurian has died they were…

Leone Abbachichio and Moody Blues

JoBro, Squadra Guardie del corpo, Tracker and Macho Cop

I’ll use my stand to solve this mystery!

Squadra Guardie del corpo (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Squadra Guardie del corpo.

Piss in a cup (Day): Give a player a cup of piss. They can drink it, if they do your Investigation will succeed tonight, but they will lose one use of one of their abilities. They will be informed they lose the use of ability after drinking. (infinite uses)

Track (Night): Track a player seeing who they visit. If someone drank your piss it will succeed no matter what and tell you who they visited the night before also. (infinite uses)

Moody Blues (Night): Investigate a Player by using Moody Blues, finding if they can kill (ITAs don’t count). During your investigation your completely defenseless and unhealable (Macho Gunsmith). If someone drank your piss this will succeed, and you will not be Macho anymore. Only usable on Even Nights (2 uses)

Moody Blues Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Piss in a cup no longer takes away ability uses from other players.Moody Blues gets another use, and Moody Blues also gives you the first letter of their Flavor Name. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise, the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

They had no logs

@Kyle20 has died they were…

Tiziano and Talking Head

JoBro, Unità Speciale, Lover and Messenger

Are you ready, Squalo?

Unità Speciale (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Unità Speciale.

Clash (Passive): You also have a one on one chat with Squalo. You are also in a Lover relationship. If either of you die, the other also dies.

Talking Head (Day): Send a player an anonymous 1000 character message (3 uses)

Make him speak (Day): Make the host post a 1000 character message from anonymous player (3 uses)

Let them speak (Night): Pick two players and they can speak to each other for the rest of the night. This can include yourself (infinite uses)

Better as a Team (Night): Both you and Squalo will have a Loved Status tomorrow. You will both take an additional vote to lynch (majority) or the first vote on you doesn’t count (plurality) (1 use)

Talking Head Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Let them speak now allows up to three people. Talking Head and Make him speak get an extra 1000 characters and another use. You will no longer die when Squalo dies, but he will still die when you do. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

They had the following logs…

Kyles Logs:

@eevee-sama has died they were…

Squalo and Clash

Enemy Stand User, Unità Speciale, Wet Reconnaissance and Lover

I won’t leave even a scrap of him behind, and I’ll kill every last member of his team… I’ll rip them to pieces and make them pay for what they’ve done!

Enemy Stand User (Passive): You will be in a chat with other Enemy Stand Users. Any ability marked with a star can only have 2 used by the team during the current Day/Night Cycle. A factional kill will happen every night if you please, only one of you may use it, and will not be able to use any night abilities along with it unless forced to. If you perform the factional kill, the player will not appear in dead chat, Clash ate their ghost also.

Unità Speciale (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Unità Speciale.

Talking Head (Passive): You also have a one on one chat with Tiziano. You are also in a Lover relationship. If either of you die, the other also dies.

But I Love them (Day): Target player will take 1 more vote to be hammered(majority)/ the first vote on them doesn’t count (in plurality) (3 uses)

Water Teleportation (Day): Put your Clash in any targets room. If you don’t activate Clash, you will be informed on who your target visited and who visited them. (infinite uses)

Clash (Night): Whichever room Clash is in, Clash will kill that player (3 uses) :star:

Shark Attack (Night): Send Clash to attack the host and remove either Majority or Plurality from tomorrows lynch (2 uses)

Reconnaissance (Night): Check if target player is holding the requiem arrow (infinite uses)

Clash Requiem(Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, your Clash ability will gain another use and will also not bring the target to dead char. You will also not die when Tiziano dies, but he will still die when you do. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Gain Majority over the JoBros

They had No Logs

@Universal has died they were…

Guido Mista and Sex Pistols

Enemy Stand User, Squadra Guardie del corpo, ITA Specialist and Survivor of Bullets

You Moron! It’s bad luck to choose one from four! Choosing from five is fine. Choosing from three is fine. But when you choose from four, something bad will happen!

Enemy Stand User (Passive): You will be in a chat with other Enemy Stand Users. Any ability marked with a star can only have 2 used by the team during the current Day/Night Cycle. A factional kill will happen every night if you please, only one of you may use it, and will not be able to use any night abilities along with it unless forced to. If you perform the factional kill, all ITAs against Enemy Stand Users OTHER THAN YOU will be lowered by 5% tomorrow.

Squadra Guardie del corpo (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Squadra Guardie del corpo.

Sex Pistols (Passive): Your ITA percentage starts at 25%. Every successful ITA fired against you will land but not kill, but instead bleed you. If not healed within two nights you will bleed out and die.

FOUR (Passive): Fours are bad avoid them. Don’t be the fourth vote on a wagon, don’t be the fourth one to die, don’t be the fourth one to ITA during the day, do not post if the post number would only have fours in it (4,44,444,4444), and etc. You may ask if something you would do would break the four rules, except if you do it a fourth time.

Extra Shot (Day): You may take an additional secret ITA shot today after you fired already. For every shot you take using this ability you lose five percent chance to land your ITA shots permanently. This may be used multiple times during the day. Every shot you make with this also increases the chance of your ITA shots hitting yourself by 10%, these follow Sex Pistols (passive rules) (5 uses).

Gun Practice (Night): All enemy stand users other than you will have an increased ITA shot hit percentage by five percent tomorrow. (Infinite uses)

Reload (Night): Extra Shot is returned to five uses, your ITA chance and your self hitting chance is returned to normal, but your chance to hit yourself during it will be increased by 20% for tomorrow. (1 use) :star:

Sex Pistols Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself your standard ITA chance raises from 30% to 45% and you will only hit yourself when you fire the fourth shot of your clip. Your bleeding will take three nights before it kills you. Gain 1 use of reload This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Gain Majority over the JoBros

They had No Logs

@Limestone has died they were…

Narancia Ghirga and Aerosmith

JoBro, Squadra Guardie del corpo, Empowerer and Demolitionist

Do you think… I’m going to falter? Because of… Because of something like this? We’re… Going to get the hell out of Venice, completely safe and sound.

Squadra Guardie del corpo (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of Squadra Guardie del corpo.

Torture Dance (Day): All ITAs against Squadra Guardie del corpo will be reduced by 5%.This will be announced (2 uses)

Little Bomber (Day): Your ITA Chance will be increased by 30% today (1 use)

Aerosmith (Night): Shoot a barrage of bullets into a player killing them (2 uses)

Carbon Dioxide Detector (Night): See if a player attacked anyone last night (infinite uses)

Aerosmith Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, you get another use of torture dance and the reduction increases to 10%. Torture Dance and Aerosmith get another use. Carbon Dioxide Detector will also tell you who they visited. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise, the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

They had No Logs

Day starts Now and Ends 2019-12-25T14:50:00Z. It Is a majority and Plurality lynch and to hammer you need 11 or 12. Let me math for a second after this starts. ITAs are Open and usually they have a 15% chance

IMPORTANT: As day ends on Christmas I am willing to extend this to a 72 hour day if thats prefferable. Vote here

  • Normal 48
  • 72 Just for today

0 voters

Hell yeah.
We’re down to 5 mafia.

Ok, more interesting than I expected.

Tbh didn’t plan to play today though.

Universal was all me bay bay.


72 hours today.

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So… it was 7 v 22 when we started.
At the end of yesterday it was 7 v 19.
Now it’s 5 v 16.

I like our chances right now.

I think I killed eevee