[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups

You get a cookie!


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i looked at the playerlist and remembered memesky is in the game.

join for memesky

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Sure but @Mr.Stoldi pussied out

Maybe if you rejoin, he’ll come back

The game would be full

Also I was never in


You never left though.

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/r e j o I n
If slot left

Also slank cover


Yay, 29 again.

Yes that’s the 29th. :smile: thank you so much. Now that we 29 again I dont have to worry again

I’m excited for this, haven’t played in a while. Tomorrow we receive our flavor, right?

I can without a doubt roll it and send flavor tomorrow. But cards cant be sent til the 19th do to me having to reformat a few of them and that’s like impossible on mobile

So we’ll get told our flavor tomorrow, but not our alignment?

Yup, Flavor is Nai but can be used against you in the case of a claim vig if it may or may not be in game

What’s the point in sending just flavor?

I don’t really care about Jojo tbh, so feel free to skip my flavor and send it together with rolecard later.

If it’s to bypass DM limits, then I guess sending something now makes sense.

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