[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Mafia


Hosted by @DatBird and @Geyde

Rules and Punishments

Rule Punishment
Don’t Cheat Don’t discuss the game outside of the thread under ANY circumstances.
Quoting game pertinent info Outside of Main Thread Will be punished severely.
Inactivity Prods will be issued out after 24 hours of inactivity. 12 hours after this you may be force replaced. Notify mod in case this cannot be met for any reason.
Intentional Angleshooting Heavy offense.
Unintentional Angleshooting Will be punished. This applies to pinging a player in thread to be active when knowing they are online.
Announcing intention to sub out in the main thread The literal opposite of okay. Will be punished SEVERELY.
Talking to Game Host in Thread / Related Chats Do not do it, as you will not get a response.
Talking to Game Host through PMs Do this.
Quoting Private Communications Even if it is fabricated, this is strictly against the rules. This includes copy pasting mod messages. Paraphrasing is allowed.
Reporting Discussing substitutions is considered unintentional angleshooting. Don’t discuss infractions of these rules, but you may report infractions in your role card.
On the Fence Don’t try to skate the line between bending the rules.

Guess we dont get a cool name like VCFM or NDFM. oof

JJBAP5GWFM has a nice ring to it.

Copied the rules tab of SCP mafia

Done, added your thing to op @Geyde

Whered the rules go

General Scheduling

  • Rolecards will be sent out within a day of the game filling. Confirmations will be done in the rolecards only.
  • The game will start both once all players have ‘checked in’ and the Danganronpa FM game has concluded
  • Phases will be 48/24.
  • Lynches will be Majority & Plurality.
  • Players should post at least 10 times per day phase. If this cannot be met for a particular reason, the mod should be informed in your role PM. Prods will be sent out in rolecards.

Game Specific Mechanics

  • This game is not bastard.
  • There are slight bastard elements.
  • There is no conversion.
  • This game is not multiball.
  • There may be neutrals.
  • There are no vanilla roles
  • There may or may not be anti-claim mechanics.
  • Reasonable Action Resolution will be used to handle disputes on the same tier in Natural Action Resolution.
  • All flavor is not Alignment Indicative. Try to flavor solve at your own risk.
  • Only investigative roles and abilities will have feedback (such as being roleblocked / redirected) unless explicitly stated otherwise. They will not know who they were redirected to.


This is a closed setup game.

Jobros are the good faction. Their goal is: [insert wincon here]
Enemy Stand Users are the evil faction. Their goal is: [insert wincon here]
Neutrals, if any are present, will be assigned their own win condition not listed here



Just threw it in after the example role card and will edit in a bit. I’m gonna use my moms laptop so I cant actually see the changes I’m making


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We’ll be using standard rules right?

Any passives cannot be stopped through kills, roleblocking or redirection…

Any kills dont prevent the victim from using their action… (Standard for this forum)

And that there isnt a “one action per night” rule, right?

And fish
I thought Geyde’s post was OP for some reason

Insert wincon pls

Will do in one sec once I get my email to log in on a different laptop

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OP has been updated lmk if it looks good @Geyde

Also a little under half way filled within 12 hours, thats good, but we can do better

The only one thing I remember of Jojo


Stand power


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Is this a mistake to do this?

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yes its a mistake to join a game I am in