[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups


Okay, great. Now I can finally tunnel you.


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@Zone_Q11 tunneling is overrated, how abojt we work together, but in the end it will turn out you was scum leading me astray all the time?

Wouldnt that be better revenge?

I only tunnel

Nope. I’ve been playing “too good” as mafia “too often”. I need to return to my roots.


  1. It’s not often I get to execute my revenge plan for that one time at PB.
  2. This game’s rolemadness has multiple roles. I won’t be able to catch up with them, even if I were to be given the open list. Hence, all I can work with is more likely only interaction centered around me.

Not for myself - just ignore Zone so he can’t read me out of interactions with them.

Hah. I will still tunnel you regardless anyway.
Anyone else who interacts with me are just extra luggages.

I’m hyped, I want this to start.

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It’ll be a while won’t it?

Also I’m worried about being able to keep up with the thread early game lmao

Join alice’s danganronpa while you wait

Yeah til Danganronpa finishes. Til then we can build hype and watch part 5 dub. Cause why watch it only once when u can watch it a second time but this time in english

Does anyone have tips for keeping up in large games like this? Because its hard to keep up when games are a few people smaller than this let alone a few extras

drop out of school

Find little times to keep caught up and skim. You can skim a lot, but it is better than just jumping over a whole chunk of text(that’s how you end up missing a claim or important read)

Me: "When did they claim insert bad role to roleblock???

Them: Like D1 did you not read it

me: lol no

Knight: CS’s Prince

Everyone: Did you not see the prince fucking claim?

Knight: lul no

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Isaac I doubt anyone on here would be that careless

Ily isaac dont hate me

Just focus on a subset of players to read deeply and expand it to everyone as players die/game goes on.

Just spend several days treating a scum member as mechanically confirmed neut no matter how wolfy they act