[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups

With ITAs 72 hours is definitely not too long imo.

I 100% expect to be outvoted though. :man_shrugging:

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48 is just better for mashes
Long phases really kill game momentum

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Because it’s a nobrainer more active posters, thus voters in the poll, would prefer shorter.


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Ok so we got ten more slots to fill. Gonna prob send some messages out later to find more people.

Atm looks like its 48 hours

This is starting after alice’s tho isnt it

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Yep but I still want it to fill

If you fill it before Alice gets well, you start first.


Need people to join but feel bad if I ping people again since I kinda ran out of the usual people and we still ain’t filled

To stand by and let this not fill

When was this being hosted again?

If Alice doesnt get back before it fills. When it fills. If not after Alice’s game

If it starts before 18 December I’ll in.

It should hopefully. Idk

Who else can I ping :thinking:

Bye again

Oof again


See Dat, you didn’t run out of people, you just didn’t think broad enough :stuck_out_tongue: