[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups

My own brother almost outed

Yeah, but it is upsetting that I they are not in this game…
We could’ve played together!

Uh… I guess I can invite one or two people if I’m lucky.


Half relieved that you have common sense.
Half disappointed that we can’t force those three to play the game.

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it may be because my brother is only 3 years old but at least I tried


I can ask my cat

Isaac u madlad. I appreciate the thought though.

He said meow.

Is that a in

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…My sister would probably be pretty good at FM but on the other hand I don’t think she’d actually like it


27: Italy’s Cat

say sike right now


Sike right now

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Wait what

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Forums why

good so its a in

I was the first to In

So if Marshal leaves as well then I can be #1

Let her in, I’ll make sure she has a nice experience

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I should be treated as unkillable because part 5 takes place in italy :eyes: