[SFM] JoJo's Bizare Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia (29/29) - Signups



Yes, assuming it starts 18th/19th

It starts on the 20th

Anyone who tries to ita memesky gonna die so quick

Sure then

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someone tries to ITA memesky, is immediately obliterated by 14 different people ITAing them at once

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so thats an in?


I’ll backup

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It’s fine. Thank you for responding!

Is this Blinzer

No wait he’s already @Blinzer

Unless he forgot :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, I welcome the fact that someone has the balls to challenge Memesky.

Refreshing change of pace from all the outs.

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do /backup and promise to be active everyday

/backup yes I will be active everyday

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What is ur pfp lol

me and my brother being dumb

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Once again pls ping me when game starts so I dont get terribly dead inside over a gazillion posts.

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